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Am I doing this right? Hearing Z's but not seeing anything?

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So I can't find anything.  And by "thing" I mean something that's not a tree or a wall.  I can find dirt, also.


So I get the whole "loot scarcity" thing... maybe the spots I'm at are picked clean, or whatever...  but I've also not seen a single zombie.


I keep hearing them... I'll even hear them seem to "alert" when I sprint... but they never show up?  Am I either stuck in some limbo-like parallel dimension, or maybe gifted with ultra-human hearing and picking up the sounds of Z movement miles away?


I am endeavoring to move inland, but it really feels like something is wrong.  I also seem to be getting a lot of red chain action, but it always seems to recover after a few seconds.



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Its the ambient animal life that is using the zombie noises, so whenever you're close to an animal you will be getting these noises.
Better look around anyway tho, you shouldn't ignore it : p  One day you might end up dead if you do.

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lol, that makes sense now.  And yes,  I certainly am getting desensitized to zombie noises :P


Loot was a false alarm... I found a shirt shortly after that post... and then a dead guy who had found a ton of useless crap, and, I had assumed, some adversary. 


There's water where I found him, so I didn't figure he had died of thirst... and he had food on him, but as I discovered later, when my own stomach started rumbling, he hadn't had anything to open the cans with.  


And then, dying of starvation, I happened across a fellow survivor who graciously offered to open my cans for me.  Without thinking I threw them onto the ground thinking "well, if he takes them I'll just die the same way I was going to anyway".  The cans promptly vanished into thin air, dooming me to starvation.


This is DayZ.  


Side note: I can't imagine anyone ever starving to death in the vicinity of canned food.  Especially since I had a shove and a wrench and some other BS.  Someone who is ACTUALLY desperate for food would get that can open one way or another, and when it splatters all over the ground, they'll just eat it.  Seriously.  


Maybe that's what should happen... once you get past "starving to death" it shouldn't go to "dead", it should go to "mad with hunger" and you just start eating clothes, or medicine, or your friends, or whatever uncontrollably until you've eaten enough to bring you back up to "really hungry" or whatever.

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When u put things on the ground sometime it takes up to a minute for it to apear in proxy inventory bar, i think

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