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Mouse Problems

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Hello DayZ Community,

I have a mouse bug, where whenever I look around my mouse moves in a sinus like way.
Currently I am using a Cyborg RAT7 with the lates driver of the MadCatz Homepage.
I have tried every option in the config menu to make my mouse move regular, but it did not work. Every single combination between mouse smoothing, head bobbing and aiming deadzone did not give me any positive results.
In every other game my mouse works just fine, so I dont understand why this game is the exception... Is this just an early stage Bug?
There are no gamepads or anything like this plugged in.
I am thankful for your help!

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hmm, can you elaborate on what you mean by the mouse moves in a 'sinus' like way? i wonder if you've used google translate or similar for this topic as sinus really isn't a word that makes much sense here

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the german word is "sinus", translated it should be "sinus" or "sine". it is a mathematical function.
when you are in the first person perspectve and you want to turn around, I usually do this without using the y-axis too much. The problem I have is, that if I move my mouse to turn around like I do in counter-strike, in DayZ it does not only move on the x-axis but also the y-axis. so if you could paint with your crosshair you would have a sine curve painted instead of a straight line.

Edited by grabbit

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I've noticed that mouse acceleration is permanently on as of now and unable to be turned off. This means that if you try and turn your mouse very quickly it will go slow, and if you ease it left or right gently you tend to whip around a lot faster. I wonder if this could be a contributing factor to your problem.

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Hello DayZ Community,

I have a mouse bug, where whenever I look around my mouse moves in a sinus like way.

Currently I am using a Cyborg RAT7 with the lates driver of the MadCatz Homepage.

I have tried every option in the config menu to make my mouse move regular, but it did not work. Every single combination between mouse smoothing, head bobbing and aiming deadzone did not give me any positive results.

In every other game my mouse works just fine, so I dont understand why this game is the exception... Is this just an early stage Bug?

There are no gamepads or anything like this plugged in.

I am thankful for your help!





also mate have you noticed that your movement feels a bit clunky? sometimes i try going through a door way and my model navigates into the door frame and i get stuck or same with moving around corners/objects its like my KB is operating like a joystick up down left and right have a look and see if its happening with that as well

Edited by kstrife

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Bump This up! I got the same problem, maybe a dev can take a look into this.


If i look straight to the left or right only using the x-axis, my y-axis is moving up or down. Unplayable.

Edited by fearer

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SAME HEREEEEE, registered just to join this thread!  ;)  Or should I rather  :( ...

Uh guys, this is the mod section... are we right here? AM I right here?! Are you talking about the mod?

Edited by Lt_Zwieback

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