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Today's story.

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After the recent character wipe I decided to join an empty server to get some gear. Considering the fact joining a full server is a horrible way to get gear right now.

I'm in Balota and almost fully geared. I walk by one of the 2 story military buildings. I see someone in there looting a dead body so I assume he's not friendly. I walk in and confront him and it turns out he just got lucky and found a dead body with some gear on it. He's completely new to DayZ and never played the mod so I help him out and gave him gear too. On the way out of Balota we head to the well nearby and fully drink up. Then we start to head up north but decide to stop by a barn. As I'm uptop over the little ledge I hear gun shots and he gets killed.I wait proned uptop in the little room while he comes in to loot the body. Needless to say he was a dead man. After the guy I teamed up with came back and looted his body I had him hide his own body and the other's so the little fucker couldn't get his shit back. We were on Skype so I was able to help him find his way back.


It really is hard for a new DayZ player to learn how to play this game. Unless you played the mod you have no idea where you are or what to do. You also have no idea where Rocket wants to take this game. By the time I meet up with him there's around 25-30 people in the server.

Edited by pythonmsh
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