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I Pro Devon

I finally found it...

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After spending hours on end running around the map looking for it I had come to a conclusion that the government had took it from us because of safety reasons. I never gave up, searching every building, looting every body I found. But after looting Vybor I came across a green house in a field, it was isolated and for a second I was tempted not to loot it but my instincts told me it was the one. I ran in crowbar ready to strike and on the floor was the body of an African woman, I searched her and she had an M4 with 3 attachments, the south map to Chernarus to attach to my north map, a pistol and a rotten banana. Nothing much, until I saw it glistening in the sunlight through the blood and sweat on the body, looking me in the face and screaming "take me". I had found it. The Can Opener!


Haha cool story I thought I'd share. Why are can openers so hard to find? 

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I just loot a screwdriver to open my beans, although it damages the integrity of my precious canned goods, luckily some wannabe bandit tried to off me so i planted my fire axe into him and he happend to have a can opener :p

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Hahaha, yeah, it's one of those amusing foibles you get sometimes. I think the reason is twofold - one, they probably do spawn slightly less than they should considering most households have one, and two, they're VERY easy to miss, particularly on dark/patterned floors - you've probably walked past three or four without ever noticing it. But yeah, believe it or not, they're actually more common now than they were before release - in my first week I didn't find ANY.


Then I found three inside an hour. Prepare to find nothing but can openers for the next three days. :P

Edited by Target Practice

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I have found like 8 or 9 can openers in the 10 hours I played. They are not that rare. 

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you do realise any sharp object now opens cans xD?

Yeah, but it's just not the same man, it's just not the same.

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you do realise any sharp object now opens cans xD?

I just cried for 5 minutes straight. 

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I have found like 8 or 9 can openers in the 10 hours I played. They are not that rare. 

wrong! its jinxed, like the axes.

if you have no axe, it takes hours until you find one.

but once you have one, they are all over the damn place, no matter where you go; farms, houses, barns, factories, axes everywhere!

i bet its the same with can openers. once you have one, it attracts its fellow openers.

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Yeah, you can use sharp objects now. But your character is retarded enough to drop almost 50% of it while opening with something that isn't a can opener...

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