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Barracks in Balota

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lol people are so terrible at survial games.. or even any type of game were there is a gun in valved,  The minuet they cant PvE all day and not risk losing their cookies they jump on the forums and cry about KoS or this gun or that gun.. The fact is your just terrible and no one cares...

Terrible at "survial" games... Made me chuckle there, buddy :')

See, I've been playing the mod since the very beginning and I can't even begin to explain how different the community was back then. There was a lot more co-operation between players and yet there was still a lot of PvP - but it was exciting. It would get your heart racing whenever you saw a player that you weren't sure about, and when you got into a firefight, it would get really intense. It doesn't happen anymore, because there's PvP everywhere. 


Now with the Standalone I was hoping to get that old feeling back and it's still possible, but not the way it is now. If people can get geared out on Balota, then they will roam the coast and kill fresh spawns because that's just how it looks like right now. And now I'm just sitting here, arguing with people that came to DayZ because of Overwatch or Broken Point, and think that DayZ is just Call of Duty on a bigger map :') 

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For me, it's usually guaranteed that I will get an M4 everytime.


Oh, come on. What's "everytime?" The two times you have been there?


The math is pretty simple. Servers reset every 4 hours and there's only 3 barracks so there's no way in Hell you're convincing me that "every time" you go there you find an M4.

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Terrible at "survial" games... Made me chuckle there, buddy :')

See, I've been playing the mod since the very beginning and I can't even begin to explain how different the community was back then. There was a lot more co-operation between players and yet there was still a lot of PvP - but it was exciting. It would get your heart racing whenever you saw a player that you weren't sure about, and when you got into a firefight, it would get really intense. It doesn't happen anymore, because there's PvP everywhere. 


Now with the Standalone I was hoping to get that old feeling back and it's still possible, but not the way it is now. If people can get geared out on Balota, then they will roam the coast and kill fresh spawns because that's just how it looks like right now. And now I'm just sitting here, arguing with people that came to DayZ because of Overwatch or Broken Point, and think that DayZ is just Call of Duty on a bigger map :') 



It's not the guns spawning there that is a problem, it's the ammo. If ammo is rare enough, people won't roam the coast killing fresh spawns, but instead conserve it to protect themselves later if there is a need or hunt bigger "game" than coastal spawns

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< Played the original DayZ


The problem with vanilla DayZ was the fact people who were geared would just camp mountainsides/tops of buildings and snipe new spawns, At least with more military sites added it levels the playing field a bit.

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First of all there isnt much to the game to keep people from Gearing then PVPing the rest of the day... Once cars and choppers and other stuff starts going on there wont be so much PVP at the Cost.. But as things are now like you say.... There is only PVP after getting geared.. My advice deal with it or dont... but thats all there is to the game right now

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It's on like donkey kong!!!  The moons are mine!!!!

There only one moon here... But if u look close you can already see our supers and dreads sitting in PoS :)

Edited by +PL+ Faded

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Terrible at "survial" games... Made me chuckle there, buddy :')

See, I've been playing the mod since the very beginning and I can't even begin to explain how different the community was back then. There was a lot more co-operation between players


Eh, no, not really. Maybe for the first few weeks, but basically by April it was point-and-shoot just like it is today. Cooperation was always rare. This is just a case of rose-colored glasses.




and when you got into a firefight, it would get really intense. It doesn't happen anymore, because there's PvP everywhere. 


Wait, what? Intense firefights don't happen anymore because there's too much PvP? Who else are you getting into intense firefights with?




And now I'm just sitting here, arguing with people that came to DayZ because of Overwatch or Broken Point, and think that DayZ is just Call of Duty on a bigger map :') 


If you have really been here since the start, you would know just how much rocket hates when people bitch and moan about "Call of Duty" players ruining the game. CoD is a great game, and DayZ should be proud to attract some of its playerbase. Yes, they're different games, so congratulations on figuring that out, but acting like you're better than someone else because they enjoy CoD is asinine.

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Eh, no, not really. Maybe for the first few weeks, but basically by April it was point-and-shoot just like it is today. Cooperation was always rare. This is just a case of rose-colored glasses.



Wait, what? Intense firefights don't happen anymore because there's too much PvP? Who else are you getting into intense firefights with?



If you have really been here since the start, you would know just how much rocket hates when people bitch and moan about "Call of Duty" players ruining the game. CoD is a great game, and DayZ should be proud to attract some of its playerbase. Yes, they're different games, so congratulations on figuring that out, but acting like you're better than someone else because they enjoy CoD is asinine.

^^^^ Agree, Beans sent

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There only one moon here... But if u look close you can already see our supers and dreads sitting in PoS :)



Yep, time to get the can of beans bait ready for a counter.

Edited by annuke
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If you have really been here since the start, you would know just how much rocket hates when people bitch and moan about "Call of Duty" players ruining the game. CoD is a great game, and DayZ should be proud to attract some of its playerbase. Yes, they're different games, so congratulations on figuring that out, but acting like you're better than someone else because they enjoy CoD is asinine.


It seems like you're replying to a different post, because you just made a lot of false assumptions. I never said I'm better than someone who enjoys CoD, because I play it too. It's just the fact that DayZ shoudn't be played like Call of Duty :') 

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Doesn't really work that way unless you happen to get there shortly after a restart. I've been to these barracks a dozen times and never found more than a pair of pants. It's all about timing right now.

you just have to pick empty servers and you constantly get an m4 or high end gear

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Guys Cry some more, I have my Jars ready to collect them...

You, sir, are a true cingeworthy neckbeard!

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You obviously still don't understand what I meant - maybe cut that fringe, it'll help you see better. 


A lot of new people who haven't played the mod, will be playing Standalone. They will spawn on Balota and they will see an airstrip - the first thought that will come to their mind is to go and check it out. And they will end up with a bad first impression because of some guy who camped Balota and got an M4 from one of the barracks. This is not survival, this is almost like Overwatch. 


Maybe you cut that attitude and you will see that the game has only just released to people in an alpha state and that loot and a million other things need tweaking. If a new spawn gets killed there guess what? They will know that it is a hot spot the next time they are in the area and can plan accordingly! 

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A lot of new people who haven't played the mod, will be playing Standalone. They will spawn on Balota and they will see an airstrip - the first thought that will come to their mind is to go and check it out. And they will end up with a bad first impression


What's bad about that? That's a perfect first impression of the game. "See somewhere interesting? You're probably going to die there" seems like an awesome lesson to teach people on their first day in the game.

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Wanna know a faster way to gear up than server hopping balota? Sit in the barracks on a 3-4 player server and kill all the people who spawn in. I've literally killed and looted so many bodies in balota on extremely low pop servers that I can't even pick up magazines anymore. Find a wrench, and have fun.

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Balota is know the reason why people dont have to go north. The weapons and loot there is incredible. Remove the 3 (ridiculous) barracks and lower the other military loot.

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