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Imbalanced connecting mechanic or bad luck?

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I'm not sure if anyone else finds this a problem, but something just soured my mood a little.  I exited a random server and restarted my game because of a glitch causing my view to be locked to the right. After I rebooted the game I chose a completely new server and within 2 seconds of loading into the random small little town I was in, I was shot dead.  I have no problem with dying, or being killed, but I literally loaded in and was shot within one or two seconds of actually seeing the visuals.  Kind of mood spoiling, honestly.  I'm wondering what the thought is on this, just bad luck? What's the chances 1 out of 16 people on the server is right next to the spot I logged out from in the small town, and on a completely new server. It's a bit unfair to not even be technically in the game yet, locally, and yet someone can easily kill me so quickly.  How long is my character standing there before I even get visuals? Shouldn't I appear on the server the exact time I appear in game locally?  A bit imbalanced for those who get to see me just standing there as I load for x amount of seconds before I'm even in game yet.  It obviously takes longer than 1.5 seconds to see me, aim, and fire a perfect headshot. Don't know what the thought is, but I felt like sharing. Again, I don't mind the dying part, it's the imbalanced nature of the scenario.


Love the game so far, though!! So fun and interesting!

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I'd say not to random since you were spawning on the coast, where other people spawn as well. He probably just spawned in not to long before you and got lucky finding a weapon. Just unlucky on your part

Edited by erocean

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Yeah, see that's the thing.  I wasn't on the coast.  I was all stocked up in some small town a decent distance away from the coast.  Terrible luck, but an interesting case of how user to server connecting is currently working.

Edited by cell141

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