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What settings do we push to HIGH so that it transfers to GPU for better performance?

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I have read around the forums that there are many settings that, when pushed to HIGH, actually HELP performance if you have a strong graphics card because on low the performance transfers to the cpu ( have a good i7).  I have a nvidia 680 GTX which is pretty good and am wondering what I should transfer over to my graphics card?



1 - what should I put to high?  Shadows? anti aliasing?


2 - how do we KNOW that this is how this works?  Is there a post somewhere that verifies high settings can HELP by pushing the performance to the graphics card?



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I had a friend who advised me to put some settings on high for the dayz MOD but it really didn't do anything for me. Sadly, I don't remember what settings they were. However, it's simple... get fraps and a pencil+paper or use excel w/e, and test it out. Start out with everything low and then one at a time turn a setting to high and see the results. Write down the fps and setting. It may be a little time consuming but there aren't that many settings so it shouldn't take too long. Personally, I have everything on low or disabled and my frames are playable currently.

Edited by Casual007

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