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Grey dots on screen

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Hey guys, so I just bought the game yesterday and dl'd the mod and so far everything is going great except for 2 things.

1st, I have a bunch of grey dots on my screen when I'm standing in the grass and I have no clue why they're there.

And 2nd, I heard that your supposed to spawn with a pistol but all I spawned with was a bandage and a flashlight. I could be wrong on this one, the pistol may have just been a random spawn.

Thanks in advance!

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Spawning with a weapon was removed in a recent update.

If you are referring to the grey dots on the edge of your screen, that means there is a zombie, player, dead body, etc. in that direction. Those dots are supposed to represent some sort of peripheral vision system.

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The bigger the dot, the closer they are to you and the more careful you need to be.

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You haven't run into anything alive or you just didn't notice them. Also, it may have something to do with server difficulty.

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Ah i see, i play on various different servers so, me and my buddy always go around, he gets them but i dont :s

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Appreciate the reply on the gun question but I should of been more thorough in the dot question. When I join any server I see these dots, easily a thousand on the screen at a time, all very small but large enough to get annoying, and they only show up in the grass.

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