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Black and white?

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I just got shot and my screen is black'n'white. Helped a little bit by applying an extra bandage but would suggest something else? Should I get a bloodbag and if so, how do I apply it/use it? I have a friend who I can use it for if it's possible to take blood from him?

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Answered this exact question no more than 10 minutes ago. Have a quick browse using the search function and the 'recent posts' before hitting that 'new topic' button. :)

I have a bad experience from searching on forums like these. They usually give very inacurrate results. But thanks, so I sord of answered my own topic then. 

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Practice in searching will make perfect (and save poor guys like me having to answer the same question ten times a day!)


But yeah, to answer your question, if you and your donor have compatible blood types (you'll need two blood test kits to check this), a blood bag will refill your health and restore colour.

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A Saline bag will also get your colour back. Works like a charm (with a friends help)

Edited by Verex11

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