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Don't forget why you were supposed to purchase the alpha.

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Neither Dean Hall, Bohemia, the dayz dev team, or even your grandma tricked you into buying this game. dean even told you not to buy it, he toooollllllddddd you that it was going to be rough for a while. whiners, y u no listen? Y u come here and complain it's not just the way you like it?

they told you to not to buy it unless you had an interest in helping with the development of the game. Otherwise, keep your money. But you said SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY. Now you fill forums with complaints because you feel tricked, duped! You weren't duped, you just bought an unfinished game that needed financial support to remain viable.

If you want it to be better, just post some constructive criticism on here and the dev team will take it into consideration. I know they will, they already did that shit. They're averaging like a patch per day, do they sleep?

In review.

What not to do: "this game is shit, it's so much worse than the mod I was expecting so much more dammit dammit dammit whine whine whine I wish I had my $30 back!"

What to do: "hello, I noticed that the loot balance is off. I suggest increasing the amount of water bottle spawns in residential areas, man that would make my day."

OR: just go away til the game fully releases and enjoy your big ole discount for buying it early. Because your whining means absolutely nothing until release.

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