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Poll: What are your thoughts on the Standalone?

What are your thoughts on the Standalone release?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Now that the standalone has been released, which category do you fall into?

    • I wasn't expecting the Standalone to be anywhere near as good as it is!
    • It's really good, a few bits missing (but it's only an Alpha!)
    • I'm fairly happy, some good positives but definitely some negatives.
    • Quite unhappy with the release, thought it'd be further along than it is.
    • Can't believe I didn't heed Rocket's warnings and went ahead and bought it...
  2. 2. What are the biggest problems the standalone faces currently (select your top 3)

    • Hunger, Thirst, Energy text indicator.
    • Combat logging.
    • Server hopping.
    • Day/Night Cycle.
    • Lack of weapon diversity.
    • Zombies.
    • Kill on sight mentality.
    • Optimisation (frames per second and performance).
    • Lack of building and other non-pvp activities.
    • No missions, AI patrols or server events such as crashed choppers
    • == Nothing is missing ==
  3. 3. Will you be returning to the DayZ mod?

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Interested to see what the general consensus is on the release of the standalone, I thought I'd put together a quick poll.


Only takes a minute to answer!

Edited by Fold
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i really wan't the old hunger thirst and energy indicators back those we hade in the mod were great, but again that's what i think :D

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i really wan't the old hunger thirst and energy indicators back those we hade in the mod were great, but again that's what i think :D


Please not the old one... :(


Make something new and much better ! :) In the inventory would be awesome actually I think, much better to have a game with HUD free ^^

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Also, if I've missed a something for section 2 let me know and I'll add it in.

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Please not the old one... :(


Make something new and much better ! :) In the inventory would be awesome actually I think, much better to have a game with HUD free ^^

Well ok maybe not the old one then but i really don't like the text way at the moment if i just go afk for like 1min i could miss things. I just wan't a easy way to see it all the time when i wan't too.

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After finally finding a server I like (low pop and good connection), I'm having a blast! Also the forums have been a great help with my survival. I wouldn't be doing nearly as well without you guys. I probably wouldn't have even learned to make rags from shirts, which is extremely crucial for survival.


 I'm actually surprised just how good the game is for being alpha, and I'm pretty sure most complainers are ignorant of certain aspects of the game. 




A lot of people complain about getting hungry and thirsty a lot. They most likely don't realize that walking makes your hunger and thirst lower much more slowly than jogging or sprinting. Also a lot of people don't seem to know there's a fatigue system. If you keep jogging or sprinting, your character is going fall unconscious just from the fatigue, even if you eat and drink a lot.


A lot are complaining about a lack of items and walkers. What they might not realize is that's because they're either playing on a very high populated server or that coastal areas tend to be very low on items and walkers because it's where players spawn. Go north people! Walk away from the coast! :3 (Also towns seem to have more food and drinks than other areas)


"I keep dying because walkers only have to hit me once to make me bleed to death!" Well, that's probably because you stood in one place for too long. Want to know how to kill a zombie without getting hit? Run (well, jog really) around in circles with it like a loon! They have a very slow attack, so if you keep moving, they can't get you. Also if you're brave enough to stop moving for just a moment to whack the walker (only do 1 whack then run again, don't get cocky lol), make sure you aren't in front of it. I occasionally get hit due to lag if I stop in front of the zombie. It might take a little while to master this strategy, especially because different levels of lag require some-what of a different movement strategy, if that makes sense. I learned that the hard way while trying to find a server I liked.


I seriously can't stop playing this game. xD I haven't been this addicted to a video game in a very, very long time. It feels surprisingly stable as well, for alpha at least. I haven't run into any game breaking glitches in my adventures yet.


My only complaints are that players server hopping without consequence and the lack of a respawn rate for zombies and items for people stuck in high pop servers are a little annoying. Oh and I hate that other players can revive their friends with blood packs or w/e the item was. Once you're dead, you should have to start over. Either that, or make an item in which you can revive yourself as well. Solo players shouldn't have to get screwed over for being solo. It's too big of an advantage IMO.

Edited by Tara505
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After finally finding a server I like (low pop and good connection), I'm having a blast! Also the forums have been a great help with my survival. I wouldn't be doing nearly as well without you guys. I probably wouldn't have even learned to make rags from shirts, which is extremely crucial for survival. I'm actually surprised just how good it is, and I'm pretty sure most complainers are ignorant of certain aspects of the game. 


here just take them already :D  :beans:  :beans:

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I seriously can't stop playing this game. xD I haven't been this addicted to a video game in a very, very long time. It feels surprisingly stable as well, for alpha at least. I haven't run into any game breaking glitches in my adventures yet.


Glad you're enjoying the game but there will be bugs. Be ready for them. xD

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Voted, I do want to see the zombie count increased soon. So far they do not feel like a credible threat although I am sure this will change soon.

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Please not the old one... :(


Make something new and much better ! :) In the inventory would be awesome actually I think, much better to have a game with HUD free ^^

I reckon they'd go great where the quick fix ones are now in the inventory screen.

The icons ain't broke so why fix em?

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Definitely disliking the lack of zombies most of anything.

But that is a small impurity on the otherwise well rounded and relatively stable Alpha I have happily invested in.

As server optimisation goes up I will be expecting more zombies :)

Couldn't really have asked for much more, people complaining really need to know what they sign up for.

Edited by AP_Norris

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I wish "loot only spawns on server reset" was an option for biggest problem the standalone faces. That, the hunger/thirst system, and the zombies are the only issues I've wanted to see addressed right away.

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Them damn server hoppers in the barracks..it has begun again.

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I wish "loot only spawns on server reset" was an option for biggest problem the standalone faces. That, the hunger/thirst system, and the zombies are the only issues I've wanted to see addressed right away.

What's your issue with the hunger/thirst system?


Also thanks for all the yummy beans guys! :D Wasn't expecting that, lol.

Edited by Tara505

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Generally I'm well chuffed. Its so much better than the mod. All the different items you can come across, many of which are usable as weapons. And thats the biggest thing for me, MELEE! I can fight zombies without a super glitchy axe! Zombies aren't perfect but at least they seem to "hit" in a direction now.


I played for a few hours on a server with about 25 other players and I don't think I saw a single one, I think this says a lot about how much more there is to do already compared to the mod. People are spending much longer in towns looting, rather than doing the sprint through either cherno or elektro and heading to NWAF.


The downsides for me are server hopping. This really breaks the game in my opinion. Negative mouse acceleration but that may just be me.


I'm not too worried about KoS at the moment, as the game is developed and things are added it will sort itself out on its own. Ammo being in short supply rather than rare would be the quickest solution. If you just found 2 or 3 rounds at a time you wouldn't use them for no reason. I'd like to think that if some guy came up to me pointing his gun then he may only have one shot, and in this game its easy to miss.


Was nice to play on a full server at a night too, I was sad to see the mod turn into daytime only. The one major problem with night is the way torch light goes through walls and you can spot players miles away going through buildings with torches. Makes it intense though which is good.


I'm not sure how I feel about the huger/thirst indicators. I'm not keen on the text but I don't really want the icons as in the mod. People have already been stressing about not getting the "I'm full" message, which is just silly.


I won't be returning to the mod :thumbsup:

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The trend seems to be that for now, most don't want to return to the mod.


The reason I probably will is that there simply isn't enough to do yet. In lieu of any change to this, I'll be searching for fun in the form of Epoch :)

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im enjoying the game upto yet only a few real niggles and one of those was fixed straight away crosshair big circle.


the others are textures in walls on certain buildings are still gltichable, unconcious,and the thrist and hunger is all wrong !


yesterday i ran with my mate about 5000m no word of a lie i ate and drank about 30 times ! :P  no man or animal on this planet needs to drink or eat as much regardless of what you carrying or running. infact i used to do alot of running long distances and have trained with large marine packs full doing ten mile runs and i never drunk or ate once during runs ! after yes not during. so this defintely needs tweaking.


you might eat a pasta or something and similar for races but we talking about a apocolyptic type avg day not breaking records and food and drink are scarce. so you wouldnt consume as much as you do.



some kind of end game needs adding also wasnt there supposed to be a big prison ? have i missed this ? :o


few more random rifles and pistols need adding at moment not enough are ingame.

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Really love the game so far. I have not encountered any game breaking bugs. 


But.. What I think is missing:


- Vehicles


- Basebuilding / Something to store items in so you can make a camp


- Zombies!..



These are my highest wishes as of right now. I know some of this stuff ain't coming out soon, but i'm just saying what I think the game is missing to give the player some sort of purpose, faster travel time and challenge.


No bitching

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I don't think the actual indicators are the problem with thirst/hunger. The problem is the dude is too hungry!!

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Current results:


Most people think the standalone is good but is missing a few bits.


Zombies are the biggest problem.

Hunger, thirst and energy indicator is a close second.

Server hopping, Lack of Weapons and Optimisation are joint third.


Most people will not be returning to the Mod.

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