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[STILL NOT FIXED] Bodies being deleted immediately (now will stay around for a while)

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Date/Time: ~noon pacific time

What happened: corpse vanished within a few seconds of killing someone, appeared to be connected to player suicide after spawning.

Where you were: Cherno, in a yard behind the corner of the fence directly outside the church doors.

What you were doing: axe murdering and looting

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Seattle - TARKOVSKY

*Your system specs: i7 950 quad core @3.07 ghz, 6gb DDR3 ram ,Radeon HD 6950 2 GB

*Timeline of events before/after error: I was in the church in cherno with only an axe for a weapon, I saw some flashlight outside like someone sitting at the corner of a fence , I saw "friendly?" in chat so I ran up and axed him in the face while he was typing, (sorry I wanted that alice pack) I looted the pack and most of the tools but by the time I got to the Remington he had his corpse de spawned and it seemed synced with him suiciding after spawning again. but I cant be 100% sure about that.

ALSO: flies are still hanging around :(

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I have noticed this with new patch and it is highly annoying. I am not sure it is from people suicide after dieing. When I kill people there body disappears most of the time too fast to loot. Also flies hang around when no bodies. Highly annoying. Please fix. Thanks.

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Confirmed, bodies are disappearing when they player respawns after death and flies are audible for a long time after the body disappears. So I guess this wasn't fixed in 1.7.1.x as was stated.

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Had the same issue 4 times today, killed a player than he suicides/disconnects and the corpse vanishes. 3 of these times i could not even get close to loot.

The flies are really annoying, if you are in a city like cherno or elektro, there is only flies "bzzzzzzz" ... u cant hear sh** in some streets, but no bodies. I know that we are the testers for this mod, not the players, but these are things that have to be fixed soon!

Edit: One Zombie just hit me unconcies with ONE HIT, i was at 8.7k Blood, than two of his friends came and they had a feast. Is this suposed to be like that?! Did i miss something?

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Having the same problem. Killed a bunch of players today, only to have their bodies disappear within seconds of their death

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