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Aussie Bogan

Control issues (Regarding mouse sensitivity)

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Hello Dayz community,


The first thing i do when i start playing a new game is checking the options. (Mainly mouse sensitivity and disabling VSync and disabling rotation blur etc)


I'm a player that believes having a smooth mouse sensitivity of a 1:1 ratio is a vital part of gaming... (Especially FPS shooters)


Although the Dayz mouse configuration options seem to be quiet difficult to work...


Iv'e tried getting the Y-axis and the X-axis to work so that they are the same senitivity when i look up down and across but i'm finding this near to impossible.


I try disabling mouse acceleration which i hate, but i can't be sure because the icon states "Mouse acceleration ON" all the time regardless when i click it..


And as far as Mouse smoothing and dead zone go's i'm a bit lost... But my main concern is that i believe Dayz needs to add a more symplistic method of adjusting your mouse sensitivity (such as a bar that increases or deceases your speed)


I know it's Alpha but i thought i might shine some light on this vital topic.... Thanks for reading and please share your thoughts or experiences releavant to this topic :)

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So am i the only one having this problem at the present moment ??  :/


Like is there a way i can make the sensitivity as accurate and smooth like other games i play for example Battle field 4 ??

Edited by Aussie Bogan

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Its more or less Arma thing, I find it ok... I dont need to do 180noScopeLeetMoves so, I quite much like it.
Also it makes handling more "authentic" as you cant do so amazing snapshots but you actually need to aim a little, maybe its there to simulate gun weight etc, sure they could limit the char turning speed and make the acceleration etc linear, to prevent bunnyhopping380noscopes... But from these two I would prefer present.

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Its more or less Arma thing, I find it ok... I dont need to do 180noScopeLeetMoves so, I quite much like it.

Also it makes handling more "authentic" as you cant do so amazing snapshots but you actually need to aim a little, maybe its there to simulate gun weight etc, sure they could limit the char turning speed and make the acceleration etc linear, to prevent bunnyhopping380noscopes... But from these two I would prefer present.

Fair point.. I guess my intentions aren't to do 360 quick scopes anytime soon.^^

I'm personally finding this sensitivity un-even and inaccurate even when comparing Dayz Standalone to Arma 2 Dayz mod.


I truly wonder, If this current configuration menu regarding Y-axis X-axis, smoothing, dead zone aiming is really relevant, useful or even functioning properly within Day Z standalone... (Should the Dev Team review this current system perhaps since is Alpha???)


PS: I am much enjoying playing Dayz standalone so far but my only issue is the mouse sensitivity mechanics.

Edited by Aussie Bogan

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Its really anoying and no its not a arma thing - a2 is fine. I always use very low sens in fps, and like others no mouse accel smoothing etc. I have a mouse with dpi switches and have to switch it up so my mouse is not slow in menu / gear screen then have to switch it back when playing otherise its to quick.


As mentioned mouse sens does not seem to turn off.

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Arma is a bit clunky regarding aiming and mouse movement. You get used to it though.

The acceleration is a known problem, and has been mentioned before.


The only problem i have is the sensitivity is too high for me even if i lower it all the way down. It's been a problem for me since Arma 2 :/

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The game seems to have a built-in cap on turning speed, no matter how fast you move your mouse.

This really annoys me, as if you're prone in standing position.

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So from some of the comments listed here, it appears the SA version needs a bit more work within the basic mouse sensitivity.



I'm not the only one seeing that their could be possible improvement.


I truly hope more than just the "Known Mouse acceleration issues" will be addressed. I believe in order for this game to really flourish the Dev's really have to concentrate on fixing/polishing the important basics within this Alpha period.

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I have what it looks to be negative X-axis acceleration. I am using a SteelSeries Sensei RAW on 1260 CPI (sensitivity) as a first step and 810 as a second step (switch button on mouse for on the fly changes), with a pooling rate of 500 hz.


If I move the mouse REALLY slowly, it would turn more or less decently. The faster I move it on the X-axis, the slower it turns. Snapping the mouse for a fast 180 will just move my aim by VERY little.



I do understand this is Alpha, but it would be nice to have 1:1 possibilities, specially from a FPS type of game.


Question: Is it working, or a -nomouseaccel setting for launch options exists?

Edited by Just lil me

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"I do understand this is Alpha, but it would be nice to have 1:1 possibilities, specially from a FPS type of game."




I think you hit the nail on the head with this statement ;)

From what you describe i appear to be suffering from it as-well to some degree.


Not to mention the fact i can set the Y-axis and X-axis exactly the same speeds (according to the chart) yet i find the Y=axis way faster than the X-axis. - _-


This needs looking into... Something clearly isn't right >.>

Edited by Aussie Bogan

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It would be great if we could have a Moderator/Dev team member comment on this topic :D

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