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Agressive zombies

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new to the game and forum, i appreciate the alpha.

just a thing, i have buy SA 2 days ago and it seems zombies are more agressive

I noticed zombies can see me so many far from me , running really fast to kill

 Too , i just died, respawn and as a i was in a new spawn i got 2 zombies on me


i know its an alpha , i'm new to the game and have very poor experience with it,i'm not complaining

but did someone  notice some change about zombies behaviours?


sorry for my english


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if you havent died in DayZ by a zombie, you havent lived

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They want to make it more hardcore I guess.

Don't worry, a few hours of gaming and you will already be a professional zombie killer  B)

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Kind of strange that I'm crouched behind a house and a zombie comes phasing through the walls and hits me. They phased before but it wasn't really as noticeable, but now that they can see you from a mile away I'm running into that issue a lot.

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Zombie behaviour is going to be all over the place for a while - I know it wasn't tremendously long ago that it was actually being considered that they might launch the Alpha without zombies for performance reasons. so yeah, the 'intelligence' part of 'artificial intelligence' is dialled way, way down on them at the moment, but it's a known thing and it'll be looked at.


During testing I believe it was very similar - there were multiple new builds each day, and each build would change their behaviour slightly. One time they'd be so docile you could walk up and flip 'em the bird. The next build, they'd chase you for miles. :p

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I know this is SA alpha. For me, outside melee works MUCH better. And I think the inside speed of zombies is very good.


BUT, and I know this may change, zombies seem to know where you are even after getting two turns ahead of them. They seem a little too smart in this respect.


Love the SA so far though!

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