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psa: being punched in the head without a helmet can kill you fairly easily

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if you get hit in the head, even by a fresh spawn - you're forced into a prone position and you're blocked from taking any action. If your attacker wants to kill you, he can just keep hitting you in the head until you die, you'll get up a few times but be essentially "stunlocked" until death. Unable to defend yourself, also, landing headshots is really easy with a little practice in first person.



unless you have a helmet (motorcycle helm is the only one i've actually tested). once you have a helmet you no longer get knocked down, and are basically unkillable to people without actual weapons - unless you're really low on blood or somehow mobbed i suppose.



source - as a fresh spawn ive killed many people who were very geared but didn't have a helmet on


don't know if it's intended, it's kinda neat, i like the feature.

Edited by west134

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Different gear is good for different things per design. Do you think I run around with a Motorcycle helmet on while near spawn areas for the stylish look? :)

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