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Idea...White Flag

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I want to know what other people think about being able to take shirt rags to hold them in your hand and have an animation that would wave it like a white flag indicating that you are friendly or surrender?



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I want to know what other people think about being able to take shirt rags to hold them in your hand and have an animation that would wave it like a white flag indicating that you are friendly or surrender?

would be cool but kind of redundant you can already salute/surrender and either "wave" to someone or put your hands over your head to indicate you are friendly

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I see your point.  Can you walk while having your hands up in the surrender action?  My original thought was to be able to have the item in hand and as you press "F" to bring it up like you would your weapon you could instead hold it over your head while you walk towards someone.

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There are sticks in the game as well. I could see making flags as a cool item. Good idea.

Good point.  I didn't even think of that.

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