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Awesome game, and its gone be more awesomeness !

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(sorry for my poor english skills)


Been waiting to participate in this game :) been playing for a total of 6 hours..and its been 6 hours of fun and exitment. i read the forum and was fully aware of the buggs and wierdo stuffs that was going on in the game..

still i had a blast! 

to bad with the servers tho :P hope you`ll get it sorted out soon!


so sad to see players typing of what a piece of shit game this is and so on :( they didnt read the forums nor the warning sign at the start of the game.


i just want to express my joy and happyness to the dayz team.

im looing forward to see this game grow !


well done! 



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Welcome! New people playing is great.


Many great improvements in the alpha already. Sometimes I want it to be perfect NOW. But I know I need to be patient.


The SA alpha reminds me of first playing the mod in a lot of ways.


I agree this is gonna be awesome as time goes on!

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