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Looking for players to play the SA with

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As title says, Im looking for pple to play with. It can be an individual, or group/squad. Age prefered, 20+ (I´m over 30) but thats not a requirement. Im experienced in the mod, talk great english, though not American or British. GMT -2. Everyone is invited.  This is informal and not the beginning of a new clan, at least in principle.


I am a huge Dayz fan so I´ll be online very often. I like relaxed gameplay but serious and tactical when needed (maybe for the reason of not dying :)).


For now I just intend to play the SA and Battle Royalle. Besides the obvious reasons, the fps is much better on my comp. So if you play BR it is perfect. 


Plz contact on steam or here.


See you, T-Monk


Steam T-Monk

Edited by Thelonius Monk

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We're playing on skype, (names in signature)  (we're english)  if you want to play

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