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Everyone relax!

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Had a great time playing last night..losts of bugs,glitches,ect but i think this is gonna be a great game...everyone relax....To be honest i thought this game wasn't even going to be playable...in this stage in the game "no pun" im enjoying it..

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Had a great time playing last night..losts of bugs,glitches,ect but i think this is gonna be a great game...everyone relax....To be honest i thought this game wasn't even going to be playable...in this stage in the game "no pun" im enjoying it..

I think the same way. :)

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This is amazing, I have trekked from kamino, up through zelenogorsk, to Vybor, to North west airfield, to the top of the map then far east to Berezeno, I might head to Utes island next.

And I have been seeing in black and white for at least a day now LOLOLOL

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Agreed, I assume most the people complaining weren't around to experience all the problems when the mod first went huge. You can tell this game is built on a much better framework, I'm really enjoying the alpha even with it's bugs and unfinished features, the features and content included so far are brilliant, going to be amazing when it gets near release.

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yup and expect more! we all came into this knowing this is pre alpha..in my eyes....when my mother bought me intellivision and it didnt work. there was no fixing it..

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I last played DayZ (regularly, probably played for a total of 30 minutes after the date) mod last November. I feel like the this is way better than the mod was. So much more to it. I can see the architecture and features in place to make this game so cool. I'm excited for the process.

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i didnt play the mod,i almost bought arma but i thought ill just wait for sa....the steam croud is brutal man!!!

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Despite the bugs and glitches im having a great time. Looking forward to seeing how this develops.

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