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Food/Drink Running Out on Servers

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Can we have server restarts more often or better yet have the server spawn loot (food and drink) when needed.


I have gotten fully kitted out and Im gonna die because their just isnt any loot left in towns.



I also had a 35 slot bag full of food, but for some reason when i took it off and put it into vecinity,  it glitched out. I could see the bag on the ground but couldnt get it back no matter what i did. only reason I took the bag off to begin with is because i store it in another 35 slot bag, Everything was working great (many hours) until i lost all my food.


Disappearing items always Sucks but its alpha, just hope they fix it soon, theirs a couple bugs the cause items to be lost atm.


EDIT: THIS POST WAS MENT FOR GENERAL, but i dont know how to delete it or move it sorry.

Edited by pcpthepman

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Not after 3 hours on a populated server.. Anyways, I'm sure it will be fixed soon - until then just swap to a freshly restarted server.

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