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[VIDEO] Tutorial-Theatre - Improve your game

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Ladies, Gentlemen, some of you may remember me for my DayZ Mod tutorials, again I am in the process of making such tutorials to enable you to learn the DayZ ways now on standalone. Feel free to watch, comment, share and leave a subscription, it's no magic and doesn't cost you, just go for it and improve your gameplay.


DayZ Standalone [First Impressions and future visions]




Loot Cherno [GUIDE] Bare-Handed/Post-Spawn




Navigate without map and compass [GUIDE]








I will keep this thread updated as soon as a new Tutorial surfaces.


Currently planned:


- Loot Elektro [GUIDE] Bare-Handed/Post-Spawn

- Loot Berezino [GUIDE] Bare-Handed/Post-Spawn

- Loot Zelenogorsk [GUIDE] Bare-Handed/Post-Spawn

- Stary Sobor safety route [GUIDE] Don't die a derp

- To the north [GUIDE] Bare-Handed/Post-Spawn

- Survive on minimal rations [GUIDE]

- Basic Survival Tips and Tricks [GUIDE]

- Basic PvP/CqC/Long Range Engagement knowledge


If you don't find an important topic either in the video or "planned" section, let me know by commenting down below so I can cover the topic right away, nobody's perfect so neither am I.


Have a fine day ladies and gents, if you liked what you saw, tell your friends.



Edited by PaxtonMega
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New GUIDE is online, navigation without map or compass and getting off the coast, watch it!

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FPS fix delayed one more hour, upload messed up, sry for interrupting, will give a headsup when its online

Edited by PaxtonMega

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