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[SA] Malus and bonus for humanity

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Hi, I'm playing DayZ since first build and yesteday I bought SA, awesome game!

Anyway, after 10 minutes of gameplay I found a survivor who killed me with an hatchet, just for kill someone.

DayZ is a survival\ co-op\PvP game, ok, but not entirely a PVP game! I like bandits\heroes system, but since 1 year it's almost impossible to find a player who isn't a bandit.

I had this idea like a month ago, you should include a malus\bonus system based on humanity and not only a different skin.

-If someone wants to kill every survivors because he thinks this is a FPS, he should get a malus like slow movements or slow reloading, or again some strange visual like injuries in Fallout, although it will be a psychical thing. 

-If someone wants to help other people, he'll get some bonuses like a faster reloading or thing like that.


I think this should help to improve the cooperation in the game, for now it's better to kill someone instead of helping him.

Anyway, take only the maluses\bonuses I said are really bad and useless, I don't have any idea :\

What do you think?

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Nopes. You won't get any of those advantages/disadvantages in real life. DayZ is a game which strives for realism, therefore it shall not be included in the game.

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Nopes. You won't get any of those advantages/disadvantages in real life. DayZ is a game which strives for realism, therefore it shall not be included in the game.

YEAH! It's not realistic neither killing someone just for fun. It's only a method to limit this mess.

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YEAH! It's not realistic neither killing someone just for fun. It's only a method to limit this mess.

I can almost guarantee that in an apocalyptic-scenario there would be people who hunt and kill people for 'fun'. It already happens in the modern world, in poor, war-ridden countries in Africa/Asia.

You're not going to suddenly become stiff-limbed and go from 20-20 vision to 40-40 just because you kill a bunch of people.

Edited by Chaingunfighter
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YEAH! It's not realistic neither killing someone just for fun. It's only a method to limit this mess.

Yeah, most people won't kill for fun, they'll just kill for food. One less mouth to eat my food! In such an absolute anarchy people would kill on sight just as much as in this game, they would just be more likely to just stab you while you sleep to not take the risk of resistance.


In my opinion rather than a system to promote co-op, there should be different type of servers with different rulesets (doesn't need to be forced, just to get likeminded players together), like in mmorpg's (PvE/RP/PvP).

Edited by Vembumees

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I think OP is right here but it's difficult to implement something to fix this issue that will not automatically clash with reality, because leveling systems are kind of artificial.


Maybe some effects of bad conscience/karma could help here?

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Nopes. You won't get any of those advantages/disadvantages in real life. DayZ is a game which strives for realism, therefore it shall not be included in the game.


Nopes. You won't get any of those advantages/disadvantages in real life. DayZ is a game which strives for realism, therefore it shall not be included in the game.


Nopes. You won't get any of those advantages/disadvantages in real life. DayZ is a game which strives for realism, therefore it shall not be included in the game.


Nopes. You won't get any of those advantages/disadvantages in real life. DayZ is a game which strives for realism, therefore it shall not be included in the game.


Nopes. You won't get any of those advantages/disadvantages in real life. DayZ is a game which strives for realism, therefore it shall not be included in the game.

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Realism.. that's funny guys.  We're using realism as an excuse for not fixing one of the biggest problems with DayZ, and it's a ZOMBIE VIDEO GAME.  


I was brainstorming the other day and came up with another idea.


A survivor rewards system.  It's a reward system based on your activity within the world, and how long you've been playing.  So here's a quick example.  The idea is, the more you help people and the more you play, the better starting equipment you will have.  They stack.


1 hr playtime - bandages

5 hrs PT - water bottle

10 hrs PT - can of beans

20 hrs PT - flashlight

50 hrs PT - compass

100 hrs PT - binoculars

150 hrs PT - map (integrates with compass)

200 hrs PT - knife

250 hrs PT - pistol with one clip


This would promote people to come back, and would make dying a little less shocking.  You wouldn't be given an advantage, because the items are low level and you aren't receiving any actual boost to skills and such.


Here's where the karma thing comes into play.  For every player kill, you lose 2 hours of your playtime as a consequence.  So if you run around and kill everyone you see, there is a chance that you'll never get those small rewards.  It's not a system that will really change the game itself, and it won't eliminate player killing.  But, it might make some people think twice.  


The biggest problem is that PVP in itself is reason enough to kill people.  When you add full loot, it sends it over the edge.  Inherently, this game is REWARDING player killing by having full loot.  In return, it is doing NOTHING to reward innocent players who try and help each other.  Sure, group up you say.  Except the game inherently is designed to spawn you in random locations.  No group functionality.  No friends lists.  No way to communicate via chat, or so I'm told in standalone.  At least that's what I heard in a gameplay video from Dean Hall himself.


Ultimately, Dean, you can beat your head against the wall with this realism stuff, but it should only go so far.  At some people, you need to accept that it is a video game, and if all of us wanted this much realism, we'd be playing what we call 'Real Life', and not DayZ.

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Nah, i think such a system won't make any difference to that problem and i think it will be unfair to spawn in with a pistol (just because you played longer) compared to new people spawning in. In Dayz there already is a humanity system (increases on killing zombies and help others and decreases when hurting or killing other players (ranges from -16000 to 16000 and starts at 2500)) the problem here is to bring meaning to that system and it have to make any sense considering realism.

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Hmm.. i thought about that a while and maybe a system like in Dayz Origins (mod) could help here with the addition that bandits can't build anything, because the system assumes that people with low humanity are either nomads anyway (like in the movies ^^) or too retarded to build their own houses :P


This can maybe lead to more role-playing effects, because bandits are in need of more tents and in need of defending those, while heroes are mostly too trusty to other players or don't have good weapons (because they don't look after it).


Of course i'm open to better suggestions anytime ^^.

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I have seen an interesting youtube video that contains an interesting solution to this:



So basically there are 3 type of roles:

heroes (over 2500 Humanity)

Bandits (less than 0 Humanity but more than -10000)

Cannibals (less than -10000)


As stated in the video cannibals could have a different appearence (like covered in blood) and/or experience unusual visual effects and/or get an additional need to kill people otherwise they will loose health/blood.

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Realism? Please....

In a zombie apocalypse everyone will try to kill other people? I don't think so. Someone yes, but not all the world! Come on! For now KSO is a big problem of DayZ and who wants to play it, without killing every survivor or doing the good guy\hero, can't because of this people.

It's a realistic game but it isn't reality.

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Realism? Please....

In a zombie apocalypse everyone will try to kill other people? I don't think so. Someone yes, but not all the world! Come on! For now KSO is a big problem of DayZ and who wants to play it, without killing every survivor or doing the good guy\hero, can't because of this people.

It's a realistic game but it isn't reality.

Yeah people will kill. But putting people who kill at a disadvantage? Please. That just ruins the game. If people want to KOS, they're going to KOS. Giving them stupid, and yes, unrealistic disadvantages like running slower isn't going to change anything. All it's going to do is piss off the percentage of the playerbase who has to periodically kill someone to survive.



In regards to a humanity system, that just breaks the game. It invites stupid stereotypes, meaning everyone with a "bandit skin" will just get instantly shot. How does that help improve no KOS?


In real life, someone who kills people won't think "Well, I've killed 4 people, I should completely change my outfit now." Not to mention a bandit/hero skin system is pretty much impossible with the way SA's clothing system works.




And also, in regards to getting random rewards for playtime, I fail to see the point in that. It's just immersion breaking if after a while supplies just magically "pop" into your inventory. Not to mention that you get a flashlight on spawn, and will be able to get things like a pistol in under an hour, nevermind 250 hours.

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