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Blood gaining, sickness and status food/drink???

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Ooook soo.... I was there derping ~~ whole day long~~ when 2 zombies aggro me , i take my axe out to beat them to death..suddenly.. all i see is white!! i cant see anything but i can hear them beating the hell out of me , i crashed game..logged back in, same white glitch, logged back out, and back in glitch was gone zombies were gone but i was badly wounded.


I fix my wounds, got blurred vision >> assume because i lost a lot of blood.

Few minutes later i get ""sick"" status in inventory, my character starts to make those sick moaning sounds. So i sit down in middle of nowhere, drank alot of fluids, eat, and in next 20 minutes i lost "sicknes" status but the character is still moaning.


Moaning stopped after i logged out...been playing for 1 hour now straight running around, with my vision blurred, and my character isnt thirsty anymore....like literally for past 1 hour i didnt have a single "im thirsty" message....i get hunger messages and statuses but thirst 0 points.


And my blurred vision doesnt want to go off!!!



Em i bugged?? I mean when everything was normal i was thirsty literally all the time....every 10 minutes he would ask for some fluids.....and now for 1 hour nothing. Just hungry from time to time.


And when will i gain my blood back=?? If i will ever ..cuz i will loose my eyesight in real if i continue to play in this blurred thing....even if i stick morphine in my ass im still blurred ....i even stuff myself with a box of painkillers....nothing!!


?? anyone? I really dont wanna blow my head off after 6 hours of playing just because of a bugs. XD i know its pre alfa and shIt will happen but help help :D!!?



wow dat post



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To my knowledge you have to make sure you character isn't hungry or thirsty and you will begin to gain blood slowly.  I'm stuck on low blood as well.

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well as i said for past 1 hour im without any statuses only hunger and i eat regulary...but still blurred. Its not like i need 100% blood to see clear?

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To my knowledge you have to make sure you character isn't hungry or thirsty and you will begin to gain blood slowly.  I'm stuck on low blood as well.


I can confirm. I was slightly desaturated but now (after about 5-6 hours) I am fully colored again. I kind of happened slowly so I am not sure how long it actually took.

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In the mod you could take pain killers to get rid of blurred vision. Try that and see if it clears it up. If not, idk?

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Getting Saline from a friendly player returns the colors, I'm not sure if you can use it on yourself. About the gaining of blood by beeing hydrated and full on food I too am skeptical about whether or not that actually works (That is however the way it is supposed to work).

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For me beeing well fed and hydrated worked well. Got from grey to full HD colour TV in like an hour, without resting much. But I assume you really have to be WELL fed, not only without hunger.


There is also a graphic bug that causes blurred vision. Try to go into settings/video/rendering and disable HDR and postprocessing. Maybe it helps.

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