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Venom and poison in the game ?

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I don't know if it plan for the release but, as I see how the inventory/interaction between item works, that could be really great to have the possibility to add poison over some weapons or ammo.


Like you find some poisonous berry and you apply some on your axe and every time you hit someone, he/she will be really sick and have to find some medical thing to heal themself.


Also as regard of animal... in Arma 3 there is some snake and they can kill you, so... why not adding them in the game and collect their venom to apply on bullet !

If you try to shoot someone, even if he isn't dead, he might be dying soon.


I thought that to manipulate poison or venom you need gloves, and a recipient (empty bottle ?)

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Im pretty sure the snakes dont do alot at all..i cant even shoot them.


They do look cool....but yeah, a nice addon for DayZSA.



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