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So here we are at the beginning....

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I download the standalone and crank this baby up........Everything is dark, i cant get to grips with the new inventory, im constantly hungry and thirsty on the verge of passing out and i cant hit a cows arse with a banjo with the axe. I start to think maybe ive made a mistake, that my love of dayz got the better of me.

Maybe i should've waited a few months.


Then something starts to change...The devs start pushing through little patches. Now i start to hit things with my axe, dawn breaks and i get a glint in my eye from the sunshaft, it looks fantastic and i start to notice in the daylight the movements and texture of my new toon. I start to notice the view distance and general smoothness of the whole picture in front of me, hmmmm maybe it's not so bad.


I start to slowly get to grips with the new inventory and after a couple of hours im switching things from hand to hand and finding pockets i didnt know existed. i can swap and load on the run, the sun is beating down now and it really is looking sweet.


Then i find my first rifle the Mosin 9130, it looks impressive and i start zooming to the sight and back out. I hear a ping and realise someone is shooting at me......Shit! i run inside the nearest house and hear another ping nearby. I tab to the inventory and check the rounds, i right click the ammo and get a message to "chamber a round" wtf...Im in a rush now and can see this figure leaving the safety of the treeline.


I lean past the window frame and hold my right mouse to get my sight up. Hes running in a straight line to the house im in...Oh dear!. I squeeze the round off and im instantly in love with this old rifle, the noise and echo of the rifle in my headphones is simply amazing. The rambo runner is dead and i take a swig of water and wander off into the next adventure.

So here we are at the beginning my friends.........

Edited by warmonger917
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