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I have looted airport couple of times and I can't find any scope/holo sight anything that will help me aim. Is there anything like that?

Edited by Sidu

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I currently have a red dot CCO scope for the m4 and a PSU 3x5 for the Mosin... I haven't seen or found a ACOG for the M4 yet

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I've had an ACOG and red dot sight as well as a secondary iron sight.

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So far I've come across (asides from the stock ones) two buttstocks, three scopes (CCO, ACOG 2.5x & Iron Sights), two foregrips, bayonet, flashlight, bipod and Silencer. What i'm trying to figure is how much does the silencer lower the loudness of the gun as I shot and it was still pretty loud alerting other zombies, it might not be implemented or it would work better with sub sonic ammo (5.56 SD)


Also the red dot works without powering it up somehow.

Edited by LouisK

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