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Ginger Beard

zombies attracted to sound

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All zombies in all movies are always attracted to sound. Its the way it is. Now theres two things i want to bring up here.

One is shooting in a town. There realy should be huge penalties for this. We all know that its suicide firing a gun off in the middle of a zombie infested town. Why isnt it in dayz? Every choice should have consequenses in this game. You see a survivor in a town and he has a gun. Do you shoot? Dont you? If you dont, he might shoot you. If you do and manage to kill him now you have to deal with the whole town or atleast a large amount of the town coming after you.

Secondly, please make thunder server side...and allow it to make the zombies more active when they hear it. It would be an absolutely nerve wracking sight to see zombies suddenly become very agressive because of the thunder.

Imagine sneaking around, everything is going fine and then it starts raining. You think oh its fine its just rain, then you see lightning and then hear thunder. The zombies are realy active all of a sudden and you are in deep trouble. I think it could create some interesting situations.

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