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Suggestion: Being able to give food or drink or any stuff.

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Hi, i'm ErDanese from Italy, and you can't imagine for how long i was waiting for the alpha! It's the ONLY game that gives me scary moments and makes me pump adrenaline in veins!



So, here is my first post and it is a suggestion for the devs.



What if you could have the possibility to, put an item on the quick bar, press the relative number and in the mouse scroll menù have the option "give" or "share"? When you do this your mate or just encountered mate can see you stretch the hand with the shared item and you can take it or use a part of it?




You ask me for food or water or ammunition or whatever thing, instead of opening the inventory, put it on the ground and wait till you take it, you can select it on the quick bar, choice "give or Share" option and your mate will eat it directly from the sharing position. (sharing position is the stretched arm). From the other side you will se a man holind something thowards you and you will be able to, for example, open the gear menù to see what shared item you can use or take?


This will be another option to enstablish relationships with other people. 

Prevent situation where you can lose the item by putting it on the ground

eliminate the unsure situation where you have to open my back pack or i have to access yours, in situations of just encountered people, even if they are friendly, you can't trust them...it's dayz's unwritten law.



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I like it, there might be trouble with synchronising two players animations but I don't feel we need it to match up perfectly as long as the idea can put in your head that it didn't teleport a metre and instead was given from hand to hand.

Oh and you will find most of us have been waiting just as long for the standalone.

I accidentally uninstalled Arma 2 half a year ago thinking I only needed OA for the mod, everyday after that the standalone was coming out tomorrow :)

But since the day it was announced I was waiting.

Back before the end of the year last year huehuehue, If I only knew back then.

Edited by AP_Norris

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That i don't know, i'm not a programmer, i whis i could be able or have the time to start but that's a long way...


what i intend for "giving" something, the animation should look like when you eat or drink something now, you can see the bottle of the food on your hand and whit the other one you pour it in your mouth. With the same philosophy, the animation stretches the arm towards your mate and keep it like that as long as you want to, waiting that your buddy takes it. This will solve the sync probs i suppose, since they are in the same sync bubble in that moment.

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