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Ginger Beard

Damaged/ destroyed loot

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First of all this is not my idea. I read this somewhere a few days ago but couldnt find it again. I am just expanding on the idea.

As we all know the easiest way to find loot is to kill another player. This is obviously encouraging killing on stupidly unrealisticly wide scale. (no gun at start has helped fix this but not fully) Dont get me wrong, killing other players is obviously part of the game but it has become a problem.

Now the idea i saw on here a few days ago was to have a chance of having loot a player is carrying to be destroyed when shot. It makes sense if you think about it. Obviously if you get shot in the head gear will not be destroyed unless its NV goggles which makes then even more rare if theres a chance of them being destroyed.

Here a some examples:

If a player is carrying a map and gets shot, theres a chance it has a blood stain on it covering part of the map and unable to read that area.

Compass becomes useless and doesnt point north.

Thes rest of the items in your backpack or inventory just have a chance of being destroyed. (maybe about 25%)

I also think it would be a pretty good idea if backpacks would lose items if they are shot. For instance, if a player shoots another simply because he had an alice pack and he happens to shoot him in the back then the backpack now has a hole in it and has a chance of randomly dropping gear. (i think you should also be able to fix the bag however, but would have to find the items to do so)

So what do you guys think?

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