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About food (eat a pristine rotten apple or a damaged one?)

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This new system is really making me confuse...

I don't know what kind of food would get me infected.


Sometimes I found damaged fruits, cans, etc., and sometimes I found pristine rotten foods. So logically the rotten ones could get me infected no matter if they are "pristine" (actually I don't know how a rotten fruit can be pristine), but I don't think a damaged can (inside a backpack, hit by a crowbaw in a fight, for an example) would do it. But I am affraid it does.


So does anyone know how is it working? What kind of food would get me infected?


In my opnion, the "damaged" foods/drinks would just increase a low percentege of satisfication of the player, not giving a chance of infection.


Why? It could not be possible to the player eat all the stuff the item offers when it is damaged, and couldn't even do it when its ruined. I mean, you can get more from a "pristine" bean can than from a damaged one.


So, I ask you guys: Eat a pristine rotten orange or a damaged (not rotten) orange? You guys follow me?

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Eat a pristine rotten orange-


The Rotten Orange is a low-level food consumable that can be found in various abandoned buildings. Though it alleviates hunger, it does so at a very slow rate, making this an item to either immediately use or discard.


Basically the more degraded the less likely you should use it.

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So the infection rate is dependable about how damaged it is... I don't see a logical reason for it. Anyways thank you.

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