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Ozelot (DayZ)

So much killing on sight.

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I honestly love it. I haven't had a single player try to communicate me in any way shape or form so far. Not over text or voice or anything. Just bullets.


People don't seem to care what they've got in their hands right now, the first thing they do when they see me is charge forward and try to finish me off. So far I've had a few good rampages, complete with headshot killstreaks. My favorite was the guy who logged right in with his head squarely between my sights. He won't try logging in inside the barracks next time, me thinks. Good thing there's plenty of ammo. But I think I'll take the rest of the night off.


I'll return to Cherno Warfare 2 tomorrow.

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I meet one guy with a gun who didnt shoot, probably he didnt have any bullets- I got them all.

Edited by iDash

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Hangs around the barracks


Makes thread about KOS.



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Hangs around the barracks


Makes thread about KOS.



Where else would you go to find people? It's not like you'll find people in any other part of the map. It's only fourty players per server still.

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It's completely different with me. I found 2 guys today and they asked me to surrender before shooting. 1 of them killed me (because I didn't surrender) and another one just asked me to drop all my food and then run, and that's what I did.


Also, one guy handcuffed me yesterday, but (I don't know why) he killed me after that.


In my point of view the KoS has been reduced a lot... But there are still many guys KoSing, of course. There will always be, doesn't matter what the Dev does, it's just a personal thing, that's up to the player. After all it's you that control your character, not the dev.

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While I am completely against KOS I have done it twice tonight. I was with my friend at balota airstrip and he was killed out of nowhere while in an interior. I had a M4 so I went out to the building to check if I could get that guy and secure my friend's body if anything was left undamaged. As I approached the new building with the cell inside of it, I found my friend's body and stayed there to camp for the killer, as soon as somebody approached I emptied my small mag onto him simply because I thought he was the killer. Turns out he wasn't because of the post gear analysis I did, and that guy was on the wrong spot at the wrong time. As for the second one we were scouting for supplies and some guy came near us at prigododky. We both saw each other and the guy continously tried to sneak on us instead of going away, so as soon as he got closer where it was dangerous i shot him when i had a clear shot.   I was shot out of nowhere several times but well, there's nothing we can do but run away or fight back if not lethaly injured on the process.


Welcome to dayz, where you can't trust no one with a gun, and even fists, as I was knocked down while somebody was greeting me with his bare hands, and while KoS might seem normal, the antagonist position of meeting up exists too. We were both at elektro school and found a group of survivors cornered up by a zombie. I was the only one with a weapon so I took care of the zombie with my mighty shovel, we all greeted and thanked ourselves and left. They were amazed because of seeing a shovel :D

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Hangs around the barracks


Makes thread about KOS.




*Mega facepalm* How else would you gear up fast?


You can't even go to Balota (Where you usually spawn) without finding barracks.

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Where else would you go to find people? It's not like you'll find people in any other part of the map. It's only fourty players per server still.


I've had interactions in many different places on many different servers and have only been killed on sight once. Try going outside the walls of Cherno, unless you really do like it there.

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I helped one guy out yesterday... but after being gunned down numerous times since then, and now that I have an M4, it's been KoS ever since. I engraved all my bullets with "Welcome to DayZ" :)

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