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black and white screen

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how do I rid of this? I don't want to pass out and I have eaten and drank plenty of water, still have massive loot for that, and yet my screen is black and white and I did not bleed out much at all. stumped, neither getting any warning signs anymore of anything bad, im not sick either, and I have alcohol to clean bandages and wounds etc...  wahts going on? and if it is my blood and I monitored it crappy cause of no indication whatsoever, please how do u even get blood up in this game? does it requite 2 people still or can I self administer it? please help.

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I reported this problem and really haven't gotten to much of an answer.  I posted my screenshots below and maybe you can tell me if this is kinda what yours looks like. Another user did post that if you go to options and select your graphics menu it removed the white blurriness but i have not tested this.







As you can see in the screenshots, I am not bleeding nor am i thirsty or hungry, but the blurriness remains. Any advice would be most appreicated.

Edited by lexsor

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I think it may be low blood, as I remember in arma2 dayz in general low blood even like at 8000 made your screen unbearably white, now im sick for no apparent reason and never drank any bad water or food. now I have no idea how to rid of sickness besides plain antibiotics, which I don't think I will ever find with loot being so scarce, and how long would it take to die from sickness?

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