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Mao Zedong

Not sure what to do..

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After being fully geared from north adventures... (tons of loot up there) i find myself not having anything to do. I haven't seen anyone to kil--.. err.. interact with..

I could kill myself and go to the coast but unless the server has restarted within 10 mins.. i probably won't find loot and will get shot by the guy who did loot it within those 10mins..

or stay north for infinite gear but no players..


What are you guys doing? Are you seeing people up north? (where?) I'm basically around starry, vybor base, and nwaf

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That's my worry. Once I get fully geared I don't know what I'll do.


Thankfully I'm not close to fully geared yet.

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I'm fully geared and running around down south. my goal is to kill anyone KoSing. you come at me with an ax, expect some 5.56 to the face. also helping new spawn-ins get on their feet. hopefully I'll be able to hand out bags of rice and bottles of water to combat this ridiculous thirst timer. 

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