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IV saline bags?

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So as the top says im a little confuzzled about Saline bags.

Are they strictly for reviving unconcious people as <http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Saline_Bag>   states?


Because if that is so it would make no sense, because last night I was transfused with saline and the color on my screen reapeared.

Please help me clear this up and shed light on topic guys.


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No, I had one used on me after getting extremely dehydrated to the point where my screen was black and white ish and it healed me up.

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My friend found one and was able to get me up with it. It may depend on how you went unconsious though; Since I went because of thirst the IV Saline Bag saved me because it hydrates you. My Advice, Always carry one and a medic bag witht he IV and all.

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