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Looking for a Blood Transfusion, Outside of Cherno

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Hey everybody, I glitched on some stairs and broke my legs. Someone gave me some morphine, but unfortunately I was also attacked by some zombies and have very low blood. If anyone could give me some blood somehow let me know and that would be great. I'll be getting on tonight at 10ish eastern time. I can offer you a m1911 with a mag, a watch, binoculars, or a compass. I'd really not like to die on this character so if anyone could help that'd be great. Thanks!!

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Ill help you. Add me on skype, when my friends get on we'll come there by Jeep. Try and make it out of the city to a pick up/drop off. If you can't.... Well fuck it, We'll blast in on a rescue. Tired of all these pussies and pansies and first sight shooter and looter's. The Saints are marchin in Cloud nine High till I die.

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Dude that would be crazy awesome. :D I'm actually north of the industrial area at the edge of some woods. Let me know the server and time.

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