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My game bugedout :(

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Hi there, i just joined a server for the first time, and it buged and then i spawned wihout the male or female option you can pick! and i got killed like 10 times in the same place. can somone help me. because now i'm a male and i want to be a female :(

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As far as I know, you can only chose gender when a) starting the game for the first time and b) getting reset by one of the day z devs (happened to me, thanks to the melee weapon bug).

I'd recommend you to contact one of those guys directly via email or PM.

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As far as I know' date=' you can only chose gender when a) starting the game for the first time and b) getting reset by one of the day z devs (happened to me, thanks to the melee weapon bug).

I'd recommend you to contact one of those guys directly via email or PM.


oh ok :), i thinked i were screwed. but i shall try! ^^ thx for helping.

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