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DayZ: Born Survivor

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Hi, I'm MB. I'm facing a tonne of zombies, in one of the world's most hostile environments. But, by applying a few basic survival techniques, I'm going to show you how to stay alive.


1. Make a Plan.


The first thing you'll need to do once you reach shore is get your bearings. Look for high ground, roads and signs of (ex-)civilisation to give you an idea of where you are on the map. 


The first things you'll need are water, food and something to defend yourself with. Look for nearby buildings to seek out these items as the first step in your plan. Next, you'll need to keep moving - picking up more vital water, food and medical supplies as you do. 


Staying in the same area for too long is dangerous. Not only is there a risk of being spotted by newly spawning players, the loot that is available on the map does not respawn until the server restarts. You'll need to keep moving to stay alive.


2. Look after yourself.


Flesh-eating zombies aside, you'll need to make sure you stay at the height of fitness to be able to navigate, scavenge and protect yourself from threats. Eat little and often, and drink plenty of fluids - especially before a long journey. Break your plan down into small steps, and achieve them one by one.


If your body tells you it's worn out, make sure you stop to take a break. Sit down (F3) in a secluded area to get your breath back, and make a fire if you can. Rest indoors to keep warm, but always make sure to choose a building outside of heavy looting areas like large towns - and always ensure you have more than one escape route. 


Once you're feeling better, stick to your plan and start the next phase of your journey.


3. Make life easier for yourself


Always be on the look out for opportunities to make surviving easier. Keep an eye out for anything you might use - tin can openers, t-shirts that you can tear into bandages and guns are all out there to be looted. Always go for the vital items you need to survive first, but once you're stocked up, find anything that can help you survive longer.


4. Always respect your environment


Be on your guard at all times. There aren't many zombies, but don't rest easy - keep a weapon out when you can and always know where your escape routes are. If you do get spotted by a zombie, the best thing to do is run. Aim for high ground, trees and buildings in urban environments to break the line of sight between you and your new best friend.


Shooting your gun is like ringing the dinner bell, use it as a last resort only. 


5. Give beans


Everyone is trying to stay alive, and everyone has something to lose. If you encounter another survivor, it's possible that you could get more out of a co-operative relationship than a competitive one. The choice is always yours, but information is as valuable as beans in this game. Talking to a survivor to find out where they've already looted so you don't waste your time, or perhaps even making a trade, might be more worthwhile than shooting on sight and risking an injury.


Good luck out there. 



Edited by MusterBuster
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I meet a survivor on a road yesterday we told eachother that we looted the towns in the direction we came from and that there were bandits there aswell i gave him a storage bag as a thanks for the info then we parted ways :P it was fun :D

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Here's another valuable tip: Walk, don't run! Your hunger and thirst go down much faster if you jog or sprint. Only run when necessary. I've found that walking is also great for making the environment feel much more immersive, but that could just be me. :P


Also towns generally have a water pump, which you seriously need to survive. Especially because you start the game thirsty.


But anyways, thanks for the advice. i have to admit that some of that information was new to me, like making fires and sitting with F3. Why would you make a fire by the way? To cook?

Edited by Tara505
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Here's another valuable tip: Walk, don't run! Your hunger and thirst go down much faster if you jog or sprint. Only run when necessary. I've found that walking is also great for making the environment feel much more immersive, but that could just be me. :P


Also towns generally have a water pump, which you seriously need to survive. Especially because you start the game thirsty.


But anyways, thanks for the advice. i have to admit that some of that information was new to me, like making fires and sitting with F3. Why would you make a fire by the way? To cook?


Honestly? Moral support. It's just nice to have a fire, it'll warm you up a bit too. 


Just don't light a fire on top of a hill at night time unless you're signalling to Gondor.



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Another tip, learned the hard way. 


Do not take what you do not need. It will only result in you piddling around with your inventory in a dangerous place later.

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