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Simple, effective, but not over powered UI Suggestion

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In this post I'd like to suggest an idea for a simple, effective, but not over powered user interface. Note by simple I mean the look to the player, I have no idea if it's possible to program!



First off I just want to say that I'm loving the stand alone so far.  The bugs have been many, but no more than i expected.


At first I really liked the idea of no user interface at all to help you get lost into the game, but now with the message approach to user feedback it feels like I'm forced to constantly watch my character spam me....I do not want the user interface to back tot he simple "fill the green object" like the mod, but I'd like to suggest something different...


So my idea is this...How about a full body picture that starts out green.  As your character starts to get effected by things portions of the body and start slowing turning red.  As you get hungry your stomach starts to turn red, as you get thirsty your mouth, throat, head (i.e. headaches) start turning red.  As you run too much your legs turn red etc.  At first this sounds like just going back to the old system, but I feel like this could be fun for the devs to play around with.  Is your head red because your thirsty or because you've been running around to much?  Is your leg injured or just tired?  Is your stomach red because your hungry or because you ate a rotten kiwi?  It's up to the player to figure out what's causing the problems that your body is telling you.  This is very much what it would be like in real life.  Parts of you are going to be hurting, but you may not know why.  As you ignore problems it could even start to spread making things worse for you.


I'd love feedback of what you guys think of this idea!





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All I know is the current system sucks.


Cryptic messages just to figure out if you are hungry or need a drink.


Having to drink and eat practically every 2 minutes just to stop the onslaught of spam messages. 


I feel tired

My head hurts

I feel worn-out

I feel unsteady




I get it really, but this only going to get worse to the point where we need an actual doctor in the game to diagnose our symptoms.


inb4 "this is alpha"

Ps. Just my opinion 

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I think that it's fine the way it is. Maybe it needs a few tweaks, but overall it is a new way to play, and I think that over time you will get used to recognizing when your player is hungry, tired, thirsty etc.. 

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