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Expand the map - Remove off map camps

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So I had this idea a while back and I'm not sure what the limitations of the engine are regarding map size, but if it's possible it'd be great to see the chernarus map expanded north, northwest and west. From what I can see, each of those three sectors have an area the size of chernarus in open space (on the player map if you fly way out there).

The map would have more dense wilderness, less settlements, and overall become more remote the further you travel away from the cities. Not only would this solve the off-map hoarder problem, it would make for a much bigger game world for players to explore, and solve the problem of nowhere being truly remote enough to really set up a settlement.

This brings me to my next point:

End the off map hoarding. The only reason those camps are safe is because the off map is too barren and devoid of supplies for anyone except people with offroad vehicles and aircraft to reach.

So I propose this solution:

Tents cannot be placed off map. Vehicles parked off map will be moved to the nearest border at server restart (regardless of recent use or save status).

With the above said, the off map solution should happen regardless of any expanding of the size of the playable map area. There is no reason for people to be able to have hoards of great weapons, NVGs, vehicles, ammo, etc etc, and be able to leave them undefended.

If you want to have a hoard, you had better make sure you're organized enough to have people pulling round the clock guard duty.

The way the system is set up now, it's game breaking, because I think I can safely say that rocket never intended for people to have invulnerable unreachable camps.

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well, i say make a new map completely, i know that would tke time, but if you would actually make a map as a whole island, you wont have the problem of people stockpiling shit outside the map, since it all would be ocean

of course, you'd need a big area to let people make some tent settlements in the woods where nobody ever gets, but when the server could handle a map 4 times the size of chern, that wouldnt be a problem

so far chernaurus is a good map, but it could use so much improvement like more enterable houses, maybe some underground bunkers etc. which all would greatly increase the atmosphere of the game

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you could get out the map? didnt kno that

Technically the map is infinite, mostly for boat and aircraft purpose, but outside of the regular map bounds there is nothing beyond peaks and valleys.

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Hell, I'd even be willing to a do the bulk of the map design work. Just use the existing heightmap and add grass, trees, rocks etc.

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When you reach the edge of the map you just do the running man. You can't get out of it. My team got lost one time and we ended up on the western border, it's just really barren and devoid of trees, at least where we were at. We tried to keep going but all that happened was we were just getting the illusion that we were running up it (it was also dark).

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