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Looking for friendlies, NEW server+teamspeak!

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Haha, shit.

I sent you a PM, then I read that thing about the fact that you reject people with foolish usernames here on the forums. I guess I'm shit out of luck then ;)

Nevertheless, your idea is awesome and I hope you keep it going!

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Haha' date=' shit.

I sent you a PM, then I read that thing about the fact that you reject people with foolish usernames here on the forums. I guess I'm shit out of luck then ;)

Nevertheless, your idea is awesome and I hope you keep it going!


Sorry sir, but I only have 2 things to go by to decide whether to invite someone or not: name, PM.

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My friend and I would love to have new people to play with. We are both 18 years old. We are fairly new to the game but we learned quickly and think it would be much more fun with other people. I hope you will still accept people in! We both have TS and think that using mic is the best way to communicate.

My name is Stone and my friends name is Slay.

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Please remember to PM me to get in, I get instant email notification, and will make time within 30 minutes to go prone and review the PM in most cases!

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Hey guys! New to the forums, having a blase on DayZ looking to play and team up with some people. Bandits are getting on my last nerve!

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Off for the night, few notes:

We will be putting measures in place in Teamspeak (likely tiered channels) to prevent spying and griefing. We had 2 instances today of spying on Teamspeak that resulted in a total of 6 deaths among our group (considering how large our group is that isn't too bad overall).

Even with the new tiered lists (likely going in tomorrow) there will still be people to play with within each tier as our group is quite large!

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I'm really looking for a friendly group of people to play with. I don't really want to play by myself so I haven't spent much time playing even though I have owned the game for a bout 3 days. I'm 18 and I have a mic and I'm willing to us TS3. PM me if I can join in on the fun. See you in Chernarus.

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Old mature gamer here... Interested in playing with groups. Murder kill count is 0.

I usually play solo trying to survive. I am surviving well now but I miss the human interaction.

Starting to go crazy.

I own and operate a mic.

Let me know!

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id love to join, so far ive just been on my own and im still fairly new to the game, and it would be great to have a group to be with:D

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Glad to see another friendly group popping up, I've started a friendly anti bandit group myself, maybe we can work together in the future, we are sitting at 23 members and growing.

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Hey me and another friend of mine started playing this about 2 weeks ago, and have been quite aggrivated with the number of hostile players that we always run into together. We have been looking for a group with either a vent or TS and wondering if you would open your arms to us, we both live in Arizona on the west coast and have open schedules for the summer.

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Guess 2 people gave a 1 star rating to the thread because I didn't let them in based on names....Oh well, will be closing the thread this weekend anyway probably because of how large the group is getting!

Remember to PM me to get in, I don't give out info in the thread or PM you first!

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If you have any room send me a pm.

I am a friendly player who likes to help out more than rampage on new players. I am 34, so I have a reasonable amount of maturity about how I game. I have a mic and almost every communication client ready to go. Thanks for getting a group like this together. My steam id is dinsdale1978.

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