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Looking for friendlies, NEW server+teamspeak!

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Sure, if you guys don't quite mind a 15 year old.

I'm up north with plenty of awesome stuff, if you guys could pick me up that'd help. (I'm really up north.)

And yes, I'm in Florida, I got a mic and TS3.

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Sure' date=' if you guys don't quite mind a 15 year old.

I'm up north with plenty of awesome stuff, if you guys could pick me up that'd help. (I'm really up north.)

And yes, I'm in Florida, I got a mic and TS3.


Replying to PM, thanks for your interest! Age is a number, maturity is golden.

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Would love to join in on this, I have a Norwegian friend I met ingame and we both have mics and TS3, and we have been looking for more people to play with. We haven't been playing much recently though since the recent patches have kinda been fucking stuff up. We both usually are on in the afternoon. He died and had to respawn and I'm stuck in Devils Castle with 3000 blood, I do have an m4 with 5 mags and I took his camo SVD with 7 mags.

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Just to clarify, myself and my other 2 friends are VERY new, we are understanding the game but we do not have good equipment, transportation, nor are we very far off the coast! If you expect someone that has been playing forever and has good stuff, this is not for you. If you still want to give us a try, PM me, got 2 guys so far trying the server out in teamspeak :)

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It's no problem at all. Once I heard about this I kinda been playing nonstop so I kinda know a few things. I'll pm you

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Interested. My ingame name is GloriousGreed (I'm friendly even though what my name suggests ;) )

Been playing for about a month. I have a mic.

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Hmm, this sounds interesting. Too bad I'm only 15 years old, just got killed while walking past a deer stand pretty close to kamyrovo when I tried to reach a deer stand from "Rog".

I have a mic and been playing for atleast 1½ month now and I'm starting the get the hang of everything.

My ingame name is CiTRON and steam is voddler.

Hope there wont be that many problems that my voice hasn't changed that much. I'm sure it will sooner or later :'( I hope atleast so you don't have to be that mad at me for that ;)

Anyways, I hope you still need players and I wish you good luck if I wont be able to get in

Regards: CiTRON/Voddler

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As long as you act mature I see no problems, sent you a PM!

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I just now got time to go prone and reply to the remaining PMs! Thanks for some great applications, if I didn't respond to a PM or thread reply, I didn't choose you!

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I am signing out for the night, I will review messages and this thread first thing in the morning.

So far we have had about 12-15 people on Teamspeak and trying to meet up and explore, this has been so much fun already, thank you guys...

Little story about our newfound group...We started out in Elektro, got killed quickly, went to Cherno and had a 3v4 firefight (we were 3 at the time). We won, looted some good stuff off the enemy bandits, then raided the hospital and got the barns above Vysota and then the barn at Nadezhdino.

With my toolbelt pretty full, we killed a boar, chopped some wood, started a fire, cooked the meat, and shared our first real meal.

After this we ran west to Kozlovka, on the way Jon died to zombie aggro.

After we cleaned up our wounds and looted his corpse, we gave him a burial. We then made it to Kozlovka (this was our immediate goal)... died here, because we weren't quite sure that we were actually in Kozlovka so we split off to loot and find road signs. I didn't see the zombie in the grass, and it broke my leg. With Mike sprinting toward me and telling me to hang in there, I had to take a shot because my blood was low. As the zombie fell over and I felt victorious with Mike nearby, more zombies came out and finished me off!

Coyote and Mike wiped the blood off my Alice Pack, gathered my loot, and the group moved on.

At Kozlovka the remaining members were met with some more people that had been given the server information after the initial wave. This brought our group to 4 people at Kozlovka! The group progressed toward Zelenogorsk and got wiped by another group that was hidden and coordinated! I am hoping it wasn't someone spying on Teamspeak, because at this point it was getting hard to keep up with TS members, but I am just thinking it was coincidence at this point!

With my group disheartened over losing several hours of items collectively, we were going to try to rush straight for Zelenogorsk to resume our goal!

I got a spawn at Kamenka and ran for Zelenogorsk. Getting there hungry and thirsty, I found a supermarket and filled up. After feeling like a boss and telling my group that I had made it to Zelenogorsk, two hostile players entered the street as I was leaving the supermarket, promptly shooting me down as I started telling them "Hey guys, there's more food in there, enjoy!" At this point I decided to log out, letting my team know that Zelenogorsk was occupied, possibly by the same group that previously killed them.

Even though I am not in-game, teamspeak is still active and the group is arranging to pick up the newest members and explore more around Cherno...This experiment has proven to give me more enjoyment in the past few hours than I have had in the past 5 days playing solo/duo! THANK YOU...

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I have also been looking for a group to play with, I feel it makes the game more enjoyable and slightly easier too :). Im usually on in the evening but can be on earlier if people are playing. Im also fairly new to the game but am getting the hang of it. If you need another I would be happy to join. I have a mic and teamspeak 3.

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I Sent u a PM Roalith

Been Playing alot lately with 2 of my RL friends and we enjoy this game alot and have been looking for a fun group/server to play on We all have Mics and Love Team work =P

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I'm about to send you a PM.

I live on the west coast, so my ping won't be the best..... but it should be good enough.

steam id is : "vortexg" (without the quotes)

I'm 19, have a mic I can use, been playing for a bit....have some decent gear as well :D

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Good morning, responding to messages now, this idea has exploded! Unbelievable amount of PMs...

I Sent u a PM Roalith

Been Playing alot lately with 2 of my RL friends and we enjoy this game alot and have been looking for a fun group/server to play on We all have Mics and Love Team work =P

You have private messages disabled' date=' please enable them and PM me or post here so that I may contact you.[/size']

If I do not pm you back I have chosen not to include you in this group. Please remember that from our perspective the only two things we have to go buy right now to get a feel for you is #1 - Your name on this forum, and #2 - Your grammar, attitude, and mood in the PM you send us. So if you send me a PM full of horrible grammar, bad language, and negativity saying you want in, then sorry! Same with your username, those are the only 2 things we are screening by to give you a trial run!

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Had a blast last night, and was part of the crew (Mhurr and Mike perhaps?) that left from Kozlovka towards Zelenogorsk and indeed got blasted. (I ran to Koz along the powerlines from Zelen).

This is totally a game of what-ifs, and replaying your decisions.

With 3 of us checking out the barn, perhaps I should have stayed back and played lookout. Instead the 3 of us made for the barn, shooting up the place as the zombies attacked. We were bandaging up from our wounds when Mhurr linkdied so waited for him - in the open. It seems our gunshots (or pesky infiltrators on TS) brought the attention of a couple banditos who proceeded to kill us quite quickly. Perhaps we should have taken some key spots on lookout, but we didn't. Lesson Learned. Unfortunately we didnt get shot until Mhurr was starting to reload into the game, and I think he connected into the death field.

All in all it was good fun, and my game will definitely have to be stepped up.

Look forward to doing it again.

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I would very much enjoy playing with a bigger group. PM sent. Looking forward to hearing back.

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