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U.B.C.S. Ravin

Is having a 24hour daytime server allowed...?

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Hey! I wanted to ask a question really quick.

Recently I have noticed the server I mainly play on doesn't appear to have a day and night cycle anymore. It used to, but it never went to daytime and everytime it appears to get darker, when we relog in the time is always around 5:30pm on the server.

It was 5:30pm this morning when I logged off at 3:30am.

Then it was 5:30pm yesterday around 7pm.

Is... this allowed? I am going to be moving to a new server if this is allowed or not regardless. I am just so disheartened to learn the server I play on removes the night experience completely.


Relogged in the server, time is now around 10am on the server. Hze pointed out some servers times are screwed potentially. Looking for current links/posts from Day-Z staff to confirm this.

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I didn't know that, but that seems kinda silly. I think it should be allowed to have a server sit at whatever time you want especially considering you can simply join another server to get a different time. No point in penalizing people who want to play in the day by lowering their ping O.o

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I am fairly positive messing with the time on a server also messes with the loot. Its not a big deal to me, It actually explains a few things to me and I have really no desire to play/advocate for that server anymore with my friends. So we will simply be packing up what is left of our gear and moving to our own server which will be finished and complete today...



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i dunno if its intentional, but alot of the servers time sync's are fucked.

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Do you have a link to a thread to confirm this Hze? -Does some forum searching.-

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I didn't know that' date=' but that seems kinda silly. I think it should be allowed to have a server sit at whatever time you want especially considering you can simply join another server to get a different time. No point in penalizing people who want to play in the day by lowering their ping O.o

[/quote']It's not allowed because having a perma day or perma night server fucks with Hive, if I recall correctly a server was blacklisted for that very reason, because it was affecting Infected and Loot spawns, hence the strict prohibition against it. You can set whatever time you want on the server, it just has to move forward at a constant rate, it can't be frozen at 4pm all the time.

Edit - http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4475 - there, server blacklisted for this very reason.

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I think everytime they update the server they have to re-set the time, and some admins are just lazy. and maybe some just do it to offset the real time. I can't blame people if the only time they have to play is at night, and they would like to experience the game in daylight (without having to join a server halfway around the world)

but yeah, 24 hour daylight sounds pretty lame

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I am inclined to believe Hze. I just relogged in the server and the time is listed at 10ish am now.

I remember playing it a couple days ago and someone reset the server and it was suddenly night time.

Maybe the sync time for servers is screwed. :I

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