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First human interaction.

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Last night in the pitch black I was running around with my Axe out, trying to loot house as best I can without need of a torch. As I ran to a barn someone started transmitting white noise, and 30 seconds later began breathing heavily. I sat around for 15 minutes looking for him only to come to the conclusion that it's the bug whereby if someone dies they can transmit to the whole map. So that technically wasn't interaction.


The next day at 10AM I was trolling through the little village 45 minutes east of the shipwreck when I heard "Hello?" Feeling tense I ran to the staircase with my axe trained on the door. "Yeah, hey" I replied. "Oh I thought I heard someone drinking, you friendly?". Not sure if this was a trap or not I hesitantly replied. "Yeah man, you?" He told me he was and that all he had was a fire axe (I was jealous of his superior weaponry) and it turns out he was. We ran around for 30 minutes looting building after building. Chopping down zombies in our way, with varying success.


His first encounter wasn't as lucky as mine. He was picking up a water bottle and someone came from behind and cracked him in the head with an axe. Not a good way to go. We parted ways in a warehouse 15 minutes east of the shipwreck due to him having to leave. Dispensed the niceties or "Nice playing with you man, see you 'round." and I was on my way, wandering lonely once more. 

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Lucky you guys that you didn't stumble upon any great loot while you were at it..

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Lucky you guys that you didn't stumble upon any great loot while you were at it..


I had a Mosin on my back, I told him I had no ammo for it, but I think it was still unsettling for him.

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I had a Mosin on my back, I told him I had no ammo for it, but I think it was still unsettling for him.


Maybe that was a reason why he left, becuase he was scared that you'd be the one turning.

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I can't wait for my first friendly encounter.


I haven't been killed by bandits yet, but I was being chased around in Cherno by some kid swearing at me...

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Good to hear not everyone is a dbag.  Here's mine. So i spent my first hour and a half looting cherno and then headed to balota to finish setting up for the great trek north.  M4A1 with about 40 rounds, pack full of good stuff, compass, can opener, bunch of food and 2 water bottles, ect.  Head up to Bor because i remember there was a water pump there and its likely a good place to fill up my water bottle on the way north.  Get to Bor and sure enough the pump was there. Started trying to interact with the pump but it would only let me drink and not fill my bottles, so i put the bottle in my hand to fill it.  While im doing this all the sudden this guy shows up from nowhere and proceeds to whack me over the head with an axe.  No notification, nothing at all... I swing around to shoot him but all i have in my hands is an empty water bottle. I hit the button to pull out my M4A1 and then... "You are unconscious".  Attacking someone with an axe from behind at a water pump is just bad form no matter who you are.  Was hoping this game would be like the old days when the mod first came out but i guess not. :(

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Last night in the black, there was lots of people running about like goons.

Everyone was cool, cause we were all running about going WTF?


Someone tried to hit me with a shovel, missed and I just took piss out of them and ran away.


Then later in the tower blocks, somone folowed me up the ladder, I said 'Hi' he sadi 'whack' with his weaqpon and I was left unconcious in the rubble :(


I repwaned and ran about, but it was a biyt late for me, so I logged off bleeding.


Today, I have met nobody apart from unfreindly undead, but I am geared up, with a fire axe and m4a whatever it is with no ammo :D

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Worst part is, the D bags almost make the game more realistic. In the real world, if a zombie apocalypse happened, a lot of d-bags would be doing exactly these things. Exception is, if a kid swore at me and chased me around with a crow-bar, I'd be able to beat the crap out of him, not impeded by clumsy controls :P

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I've had one bad encounter but 2 good ones.


My first encounter was the bad one, kind of thought all the chumps had returned.

I was minding my own business as a guy with a hammer came up and smacked me with it.

I ran off and lost him.


My next two encounters were much better. I met a group of 2 guys that were chatting together. I hid in a bush until one of them got too close and said hi over chat. He mistook me for his friend for a bit and we chatted about our experience so far and went our separate ways.


My last encounter was good but unfortunate. I was up at NW and had just ate my last can of beans. I was getting more and more hungry. I was fully geared up, had a mosir with a scope I had found, a smaller pack with lots of med gear, survival stuff, and water. Then I had just found a .45 pistol, a mag, and some ammo (you need all 3 now!). Then a guy comes running in, I pulled my mosir out cause I didn't know who it was. I scared him a bit but told him I was friendly. He was asking me how to use his pistol and I told him about having to combine ammo with a mag then the mag with the gun. Then I realized I needed food, and just as he dropped some for me I pass out from starvation. For good :(

Edited by k4killer

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Here are my interactions on this first day (make what you will out of it):

1. I spawned and after good 20 minutes of tweaking config and getting used to the game finally

ran towards Cherno. Saw 3-4 flashlights far away in houses and multi-storey warehouses at the same time, which was freaky.

At that point I realized that those people would not be friendly if they ran into me.

2. After a while found a red pen and armed myself with it just in case. No zombies, just glimpses of flashlights in this huge city

3. Thought that I saw a player in some convenience store but it was a zom zom glitching through the floor.. I ran out with my pen

4. Only to see some shadow standing near a wall, staring at a wall. At a closer inspection it turned out to be a player with a backpack, staring at a wall, probably AFK or checking settings. With my heart pounding like crazy I snuck up on him and looked at his gear. To my surprise, it was available (I never pulled this off in the Mod just so you know). I see that he has a pristine Axe, pristine clothes, rags, bike helmet.
Wasnt sure what to do - the guy obviously didnt know I was right behind him looking at his gear.

Then something happened and I wondered if I could take some of his rags. I took them.

Then I realized that the guy will chase me down and kill me with his Axe for this.. So I took the Axe.

Then I realized that I will need more space, so I took the bag. As you can see it was a quick transformation showing how this game can go wrong.

Once I had the Axe and all of his gear I killed him just so that he doesn't follow me.

So I guess I am a bandit now.

5. At another point, I found more cool stuff which increased my inventory capacity to levels previously unseen in the mod. Even found sunglasses!

Then a Mosin just lying on the 3rd floor of one of the "first" buildings that you see near the port.

6. As I was about to leave Cherno, I hear a guy calling on the mic "yo, can you hear me dude?"

I wondered if it was actually directed to me or the whole server. I looked back and some dude was running not far, catching up.

-"Hey man. You friendly?"

I dont have a mic so I figured I'll just type quickly "lets split". Not gonna risk it all for a psychological experiment of trust vs bullshit..

And then he goes "Yo, it doesnt have to be this way. Cmon, its SA"

I started running backwards keeping him in sight.

-"Yo dude. dont pull out your Mosin" he said while already welding a Mosin.

I took out mine and turned back into the woods and just ran for it.

Then stopped behind a tree to catch my breath and observed him.. he lost me but still went in that direction while being armed.

So tell me, do you really expect trust in this game? You can bet that this guy was hoping to rob or shoot me. He just wanted to pretend like he is friendly for a bit. Play nice for a while.

I looked at this guy from afar as he was scouting the woods where he thought I was. He wasnt using his mic anymore,
he was just looking to kill somebody and ran about with his gun. I typed "Its SA, but still DayZ" and logged off, although I think I should've shot him.


7. On a different server just ran through Cherno again in search of water (Thirst is a b*tch in SA!), and all of a sudden bullets just passed by me. Almost died. Had no clue who was shooting and from which direction, but it sounded like M4 (based on the frequency of shots at least).


Somehow I am still on my first character! Planning to gtfo Cherno asap. To those whom I killed, its nothing personal.

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Fresh spawn on the beach. Look right, I see another fellow! I ran to him and punched him to death


Took his battery and ragged his tshirt

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Yup, conclusion so far, after being allowed 6 hours of gaming yesterday without losing connection or getting kicked from the server, is that people are generally D bags. If you have good weapons, chances are they'll leave you alone.


My first player encounter went like this:


I see a guy. He has no guns/rifles, etc. I myself have an M4 or something similar. I consider him not a threat, so decide to let him be (as nice as I am). I show that I am friendly, and backs off. The little shite attacks me anyway, I try to put my gun out for self-defense as he comes closer, but the damned thing bugs up, so instead of getting it out it looked like I was doing something vaguely sexual with it, and repeating the motion over and over. Which was ridiculous, cause I had just tested it on a rabbit, and it worked perfectly fine then, lol. So I end up being murdered by the ass that I had just refrained from shooting to be nice. 


Lesson was, I am pointing my gun at anything that moves from now on. Not that I'll shoot on sight, but keep them in my sight in case I need to shoot, if you catch my drift. 


Next encounter went better. Re-spawned next to someone who was hiding in the grass. I ignored him, he ignored me and we went each our way.

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first 2 hrs for me...

some guy stalk me into a house, turn around see him standing there behind me with a crowbar. WHACK!


some guy with a m4 flagged me down, i waived. telling him it's my first time. he said welcome, it's a fun game. i said see you around. turn and ran away. BAM shot in the back.


ran into a guy after i killed my first zed. i was bleeding, i waived. he said to use my shirt to bandage myself. then he took off.

not bad... 2 assholes vs 1 good guy greg.

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Here's my first interaction (also first time playing Day Z)


Looting some food in a house at night time when I walk by a window and hear bullets wizing by my head and hitting the wall.  I took off running outside alerting 3 zombies.  While I ran from the 3 zombies and a potential pursurer I come across 3 players in a field who began to yell "Player! Player!".  They told me to stop but I ran right through them, I then proceeded to hear "omg run!" as the 3 zombies directed their attention onto them.  I ran to the nearest neighborhood and ducked into a house to catch my breath.  While looking around I get hit in the back of the head from a baseball bat, no idea if it's my original player encounter or one of the 3 that were co-oping.  Again I took off running not having a weapon of my own.  Being chased I ran through houses and took sharp turns. I ended up prone behind a fense in a yard where I waited a very long time!


I'm glad I got this game!

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My first human interaction was with someone running around in bright daylight with their torch in their hand. I spoke to him over direct chat but I think my axe made him uneasy and he ran away.


My second was when I entered the building with the cell-type room on Balota airstrip where I found a man, who was bleeding profusely, holding an axe and surrounded by 3 dead bodies. He ran at and swung for me but he wasn't in good shape and I managed to put him down quickly.


Maybe I'll find a friend next time...



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My first encounter was as well, dbaggerish, but I don't know if I can really blame him yet. I made a video of the whole incident as well but I'll post that if requested. 

I was just spawning in from where I left off, was about to be heading on my way and a guy came from the darkness with an axe asking if I'm friendly and I replied the same. I have been hesitant of making friends with strangers since they rarely turn out to be any good. It does suck that everyone has to worry that the other person might turn on them. That's life though and it is survival. So anyways we chit chat for a moment and I start to split away to see if he was gonna try to follow me. He didn't so I didn't feel pressured and was actually kind of relieved that someone normal existed. He then calls back for me, barely audible range at that point, and asks about trying to get some water. My bambi self couldn't even respond with my long paused "no" when shots rang out from our 2 o'clock and I instantly booked it and he swung at me with his axe as I ran. At this point I'm thinking this guy baited me in so he could steal my stuff, which I had nothing literally. I continue to run and he follows saying he thought I was the shooter and that he was sorry for thinking that. I was still skeptical but he seemed sincere enough so I didn't try to dodge him. I decided to take to the shadows of a wall and try and bandage myself up and as he runs past me he turns and comes up and hits me multiple times with his axe and kills me. Now I would like to think he was trying to defend himself because he though I was pulling out a gun to kill him but a part of me still believes he was there for the kill and baited me while chatting to his buddy that initiated the shooting. The reason I think that mostly is because he didn't take any shots and he stood there for a little bit longer than me while shots rang out. Also all the shots were suspiciously only directed towards where I was moving. 

It's a little bit of a shame that you can't fully put trust in someone in these games but it really is just how it goes and you can't blame the nature we have to take opportunity any way we can.

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My second interaction was shorted, but somewhat similar. After Dean killed me and 200,000+ other people. (Dick move guy!!) I was killed at the North East airfield. Anyway. I spawned at Balota, got myself a fire axe, M4 and pistol in the same building. No mags though. Kitted up to the teeth. I'm talking camo coat, camo cargo pants, UK assault vest, Gas mask and combat helmet, green mountain backpack. and I had found a 30 round mag.


Walking on my merry way to one of the hangars when I hear "You friendly?" from a guy with an magazine-less M4. "Yeah mate." We ran past each other and that was that. There was however 2 dead bodies in Balota, presumably from earlier in the day. 

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My first encounter was with a guy who crept up on me and started trying to brain me with a fire extinguisher, despite me having a fire axe. I managed to avoid his flailing attempts at hitting me and pulled my axe of my back, then he started to run. I ran him down and said to him in Direct "Remember, you started this." and then I split his fuckin face open.


Have met 4 people since in game, and all have been friendly encounters! Happy days!

Edited by dancros
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First Interaction: Log In, get used to controls and settings. Realize I am a short jog from balota so I head that way for some potentially good gear (Knowing full and well all of the dangers that would come with). Stop and grab a pack and an axe out of a house, continue for the airstrip. Fortunate enough to loot all of the buildings without any contact pick up an m4, and move back behind the hangers and make my way up in the tree line to check all of my gear and continue inland. About this time I notice some movement on the airstrip, 6-8 guys running in circles with axes, bats, crowbars and fists beating the litteral fuck out of one another. I shot all of them using up my ammo and died shortly after from zombie agro.Was worth killing the cavemen at the airport.


Second Interaction: Fresh spawn near kamyshovo, running into the town I notice a flashlight noob running around in the dark looting. I sneak up on him and examine his gear, deciding if I should find something to kill him and take it, though it looked like nothing so I moved on. 20 minutes later, after passing on killing him several times he pauses infront of me attempting to make out if I am a player or not? I speak out "Friendly here, just watching, Ill move along". He comes and starts taking my blood without saying a word, so of course I beat the piss out of him with the only thing I had my fists, he axes me in the dome and I die. RESPAWN KAMEKA, Oh fuck no. Grabs axe, heads to kamyshovo, smoke the flashlight noob in the building still trying to loot my body of what little food I had left. Take all gear and head inland to get fully geared and get bored, log off, and come write this.

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First encounter: I spawned in a watery area inland, I hopelessly wander around the dark night and come to a house, I loot it finding a hoodie and hear footsteps behind me. A man was standing out at the door, I turn on my flashlight to see it was not a zombie, we talk and I turn my back for a second for him trying to punch me, luckily the puncehs missed and I looped around bashing his skull repeatedly, he goes unconscious and I scream "YOU DID THIS! I NEVER WANTED THIS :'(" . I loot his pathetic body and go outside to see a group of 3 speaking all with headtorches. I scream hello and they reply saying "hey mate, we won't hurt you". I follow them for some time and end up losing them in the dark of the night... I then wandered for about 30 minutes to run into elektro. 


Here is another encounter that I decided this man was not to be trusted, (I was on edge after being chased in the night with a man and a shovel)


P.S: I'm not using the GAMA abuse, my cloud settings are on normal and I was low on blood which posts the same affect as GAMA




Edited by Skyelur

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"I'm friendly, I'm friendly!"


Me too.


I lose connection.


Come back, M4 is missing. I turn around and I'm getting shot by my own M4.


Good times.

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I had 10 hours of playtime with no interaction. I had a spawn well away from cherno or electro, and I knew NOT to go there (or balota) so I went to komarovo and kamenka to loot before heading north to the new military base and then all the way to NWAF.


so I go the whole way to NWAF. it takes about 5 hours. I see one guy running around on the airstrip, but it's NWAF, I don't talk to them. it's shoot on sight if they have a firearm and watch them if they don't... because they can easily get one while you're there. I find a nice Acog and about 90 rounds for my m4, and then I head back down to Komarovo because a friend just spawned there, but had to go get some work done... I get down there, this one guy, who has nothing but a baseball bat, is running straight for the woods with nothing (it must have been nothing, no backpack) I hail him down, give him one of my three bags of rice and one of my two canteens, telling him "it's easy to die out here. don't let it be to starvation or thirst."


then I meet up with my friend, we go back to the mil base to get him kitted, and the server crashes. we find a new one, and I'm floating in midair, unconscious. he takes all my stuff and hikes back to kamenka where I spawn. right before he gives me my kit, he gets attacked by an axe-man. he turns around and gives him some bullets. 

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I've had about 15 friendly encounters so far and only one bad, I got attacked from behind while looting.

One of said friendly encounters were the entire server spawned fresh in the same place, was rather funny. Like 30 people running towards Cherno (we spawned nearby), and I was the first to get a weapon and like a magnet vs magnet everyone kept their distance wherever I decided to go. I could've whacked them all easily as I found a fireaxe which is pretty brutal, but I'm as friendly as can be and never kill anyone unless its self defense.

Edited by James MacDonald

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I've had a few hostile encounters that i posted on other threads, but won't post in here. One was where i saved a guy in an electro shootout. Most of my encounters have been friendly, exept my first. Albeit most of the people i saw were unarmed.


But anyway, today was pretty action-packed. After my character was wiped along with everyone else, i spawned in kemenka on a low-pop. I see some guy with a flashlight in a house and decide to follow him. He never actaully saw me, although i know he had a suspension that i was there as he kept weilding his flashlight around him. But i followed him all the way to balota and left him to loot the barracks. I find an Empty M4 and a pistol with no magazine and assorted other loot in the military dorm, and then i see him coming in the door. He sees my and freaks, runs around the back. 

I say:  " Fiendly. I'm leaving." And i head to the other dorm. Apon leaving that someone with an M4 in the jail cell by the door opens up my i get away unscathed and haul ass to the apartments behind balota. I find a Mosin with ammo in one of the office buildings and head to the supermarkets for food. My headlamp dies now. After looting the back room in the market i head back to the front, and see a guy looting some cans.


Me: "Stop. Pull out your flashlight."

Him: "Okay. Please don't hoot me." (Or something like that)

Me: I'm leaving, don't follow me."

Him: Something about he's not going anywhere. I couldn't really hear him as i ran out the door.


Layer i see a guy with a mosin and flashlight on an Apartment balcony. I decide its safest to go the other way. 

Now i'm leaving cherno to meet up with my bud.

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