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Pathfinder (DayZ)

Ok my game is bugged.

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Well apparently everyone but me is invicible I've died twice now to people that cannot be killed.


The first person was kneeled down infront of a building so while there back was turned I ran up to them with a Kitchen Knife and stabbed them in the head about 10 times then the person starts looking around then turns and looks at me (im still stabbing him in the head its about 15-20 stabs at this point all headshots) he then pulls out a shovel and hits me 2-3 times and I start to bleed I continue stabbing him probably about 30 times in total everytime his head is bouncing around so I know I'm hitting him. He then knocks me unconcious after a few hits with shovel?


The second time I come across a guy that just killed a fresh spawn so I sneak around the building to his back and shoot him with a few burst of my M4 (hes still kneeling over the corpse) then turns and looks at me so I shoot him in head 3-4 times he reloads his M4 and takes off running. So i chase him around the building shooting him again before he can round the corner he continues to run. He then turns around and shoots and kills me in 3-4 shots.

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Rather odd indeed, should report it in the bug section. Probably get it checked out quick.

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I shot some guy at Prigigor-whatever becuase he was running at me with a hammer and wasn't afraid of my bullets flying over his head. One shot put him down. And also, he was mad that i defended myself.


Thats the only guy that i killed. Everyone else saw me, and we went in other directions, so i can't say if this glitch is effecting me. But the knife seems useless, against zombies, anyway

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