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Player gets global banned, logs back in no problems. says it was a glitch?

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Edit: This is the mod, not the standalone! 


One of my players just got a global ban: Kicked by BattlEye: Global Ban #253381


He then logs back in 10 minutes later, same GUID and name.  No battleye kicks or anything. I ask him what happened and he said that it was a glitch, that he looked it up on line and all he had to do was delete some files from %appdata% and sorted.


Is this legit? 

Edited by urbanskaters

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It could be considering the game is on it's first day of alpha release, but don't take my word for it


EDIT: Plus as far as I know Battleye would keep your info, you couldn't get away with deleting a couple of files imo

Edited by NicoBaloira1357

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Are you 100% sure it is the same GUID? Is your game server connected to the BE Master?

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