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Can't find servers?

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Hey, I just installed the mod. In the server list, I can't find any Day Z servers. What should I do?

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Not knowing your exact setup, goto filter and type in "Dayz"

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same thing for me , u go to click the red cross server fast ,only way i can get in a game

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I have tried typing in Dayz. It just shows nothing. I'm using the Spirited Arma 2 Launcher with Steam.

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type dayz and keep clicking tell me if u saw some red cross server that got away fast

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Have you patched your Arma II combined Ops to 1.60 ?

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It appears to be just DayZ servers. When I type in DayZ there does appear to be servers with no names or info, just a red something (not sure if it was a cross or circle or what) that do disappear quickly. I'm using the Steam version, so I'm assuming it'll automatically update to the newest version.

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So Capt. Mactavish you know how to fix this, or at least the cause? It's really annoying getting landed in Europe with hella high ping, and not being able to join my friends haha

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That is very strange, you should be able to see them all. Make sure it's not case sensitive? Type "DayZ" instead of "dayz"

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That can't be it. When I type in the name, there's servers with no names and red crosses next to them that dissappears quickly. However, if I click on one of the servers, I can join it, I just don't know the info, where it's hosted, ect. And I don't have the option to choose servers or play with my friends.

If it helps, I'm running CO on steam with this beta build http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=449

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I am beyond stupid. I forgot to change in the Filters "Expansions" to Show, it was still at Hide.

Hope this helps someone out there.

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