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G4F - Gamers4Fun - DayZ Epoch | Indestructable Bases | Self Blood | Lift/Tow | Tons of Vehicles

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Hello all Gamers4Fun started a new Dayz Epoch server

come and check us out maybe you like it


Server IP






Self Blood
Heli lift
Vehicle Towing
Salvage Vehicle
Custom Clan bases
Custom Military Bases
Custom Spawn Menu
AI Patrol / Missions
Extra Vehicles
Extra Buildings
Indestructible Bases
PlotPole Zombie killer
Anti Hack


Server IP


Website URL






1. If a base is left unlocked and open, you can go into said base and steal any gear or vehicle left unlocked or open.

2. You are not allowed to destroy locked vehicles and storage buildings INSIDE a base. It will result in a ban (IF THE PLAYERS ARE ONLINE, AND INSIDE THEIR BASE BEING ENGAGED, and their vehicles and or storage buildings are blown up from the crossfire, it is acceptable.)

3. Trader Cities Starry, Bash, Keln and Donator are SAFE ZONES. If caught camping the roads out of Trader Zones, it could lead to a kick or ban. Starry, Bash, Klen and Donator, are the only trader zones with god mode enabled on them, the others you go to at your own risk.

4. Stealing from players in trader cities will result in an immediate ban if caught and shown proof

5. You are allowed to build bases in any location you desire except for the following - YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BUILD IN cities, factories, or on the airfields. if you do decide to build in close proximity to the military base, we are not responsible for any damages to anything inside your base, you build near it at your own risk.

6. You are not allowed to build any items to block another players base doors, vehicles, safes, or sheds. They will be removed and the person that placed them will be banned, no warnings will be issued. (and yes, we can see who places the walls / buildings.)




1. Utilize our command structure. If you have problems inside the game, take it to a G4F member first. All G4F members have G4F tags. If the G4F member is unable to help you, THEY will take it to the next higher, a Moderator to have them handle the issue. If the Moderator is unable to fix the problem or issue, the Moderator will then take it to the Admins. The only time that it is acceptable to go straight to the Admin is if there is a confirmed hacker on the server. Any other things that are taken to an Admin without taking the proper steps will be ignored by the Admin and if it occurs more than once it could lead to a kick from the server / ts. Multiple reprimands will lead to a Ban.

2. Talking on the MIC on Global and Side Chat will not be permitted.

First Offense - Warning will be issued
Second Offense - Kick will be issued
Third Offense - Ban will be issued

3. Stream Sniping or using someones stream to gain intel on them is strictly forbidden and will result in a ban if shown proof if you are caught stream sniping on all current and future servers.

4. Racism will NOT be tolerated on any of our servers.

5. Trolling will NOT be tolerated - (for example, a guy came into ts and asked me if i could take a survey for his class. i said sure, he started asking me questions about landing on the moon for the first time three weeks ago, then about the watergate scandal and nixon getting impeached last week.) long story short, he was banned fromt he TS server. If anyone has someone that comes in and tries to troll you in that sort of manner,. contact an admin or mod immediately.

6. Immaturity is not an excuse for breaking any rules. We do not have age restrictions on our servers, but act Mature and you wont have any problems.




Edited by glowpowner

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