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DayZ Epoch Group

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I'm Looking for a DayZ Partners who can listen well, is funny and can take a joke, of background noise, doesn't talk trash to other Not so serious, serious when needs to be, not a lotgroup members every gets

along, age doesn't matter as long as you are semi-mature and not just trying to troll around.

three people will be picked and added on Skype. MIC REQUIRED AND TEAMSPEAK.





How Long You've been Playing:

Mods You Play:

Skype Name:

Can handle with less Exp Players:

Description on your Play-style:



How Long You've been Playing: 6 Months

Mods You Play: Epoch, Over Watch, Vanilla, Origins, Namalsk, Etc.

Skype Name: *******

Can handle with less Exp Players: Yes, I can help you, I'm not that Exp myself to be honest

Description on your Play-style:I play as Survivor, I'll help players but I will kill another player based on my mood

or when I really need to. I don't like to kill as much when I play Alone but I do when I have group members to

rely on. I don't like to be the leader of anything. I'll play any way someone asks me too and I follow orders if everyone can agree on it.

Edited by Kajentan

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I would fill this out but honestly you can join my group i have my own TS3 server their will be my skype in a PM to you.

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Age: 14

How Long You've Been Playing: ever since the beginning for 2013

Mods You Play: Epoch, Origins, Aftermath, Battle Royale, Vanilla, and Overwatch

Skype Name: Evilredkilla

Can handle experienced players: Im a pretty experienced player so I dont really need help but occasionally i will

Play-Style: I play as a survivor/bandit. I do try to help a couple people but mostly I kill on sight, but if you don't like that I can switch over to survivor cause I have been a hero a couple of times

Edited by Evilredkilla

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