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Any members of Open Day Z forums?? Need help obtaining scripts for my private hive server :)

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Hi there, I recently just set up my own private server and was wondering if someone could do me a quick favour to help me implement an unfinished script.


Because I have only started fairly recently adding scripts to my server, at this time the forum Open Dayz has closed its registrations because of spam bots. As much as id like to wait for them to sort this issue out I need the scripts rather soonish so I can test if they actually work.


You'll fin the 3 scripts:

- fn_halo.sqf

- server_updateObject.sqf

- server_cleanup.txt


you'll find them here: http://opendayz.net/threads/halo-jump-tutorial-simplified.8432/ 

At the bottom of unkinheads post, 



I would be very grateful if an open dayz member could download these for me and then send them to me either through here or a private message in which I will give you my email so you may send them



Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope someone can help me soon :)



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