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Majora (DayZ)

The Horde ( in-game story)

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I'm sweeping each house thoroughly as if a maid in a cleaning frenzy. I enter each house and check my corners for the occasional ammo supply or can of beans. I'm running in a field to the next town when I suddenly hear gunshots from the city I'm leaving! I think to myself "Shit! Someone is shooting at zombies or a bandit, I'm going to have to get out there and help"

I'm running towards the distant gunfire when I see it! A horde of zombies is chasing a lone survivor through the streets of the abandoned city. I instantly go prone for accuracy and whip out my magnum. I fire a bullet into a single zombie that would make him regret his days of brain eating; he drops. I notice there's no way I'll be able to finish off this horde without them catching up. I quickly scurry to my feet and start running with a passion.

I slow to a stop and pick off a few zombies but that isn't nearly enough. Me and my new found companion are in trouble. I stop to clear off a few more olympian runners when I realize...they're attracted to me! I've gotten too close and now I need to suffer the consequences. The stranger whose zombies I attracted is abandoning me as he has a lead on me and isn't going to chance his life by trying to save me, or so I think.

The fleeing survivor stops and masterfully shoots the zombies behind me! I thought he was going to shoot me and leave me for bait but he was simply aiming behind me!

After running for what seems like an eternity there are only three zombies left! We take them out individually with as much malice shown to the first and make our way to a stop so we can catch our breath. We leave a trail of bodies over what must be a mile long.

"How long where those things chasing you?"


Another person in the chat says "Wow who was running with that many zombies chasing them? I saw you in the city and I would of helped but I was scared! Sorry, man"

I reply! "It was BBinc, he's OK now!"

"I thought I was going to die!"

I say "Not if Majora has a say in it" to lighten the mood of the otherwise tense game.

I drop him a can of beans as a courtesy! He drops me a can of Pepsi to return the favor. I've just made an awesome friend.

"Wanna team up?" I ask him, hoping to find a new friend.

"Sure!" he replies with what I imagine to be much text enthusiasm

"Let's exchange info so we can meet up and adventure whenever we want" I say with just as much text enthusiasm

I give him my info, and he gives me his info. I check my friends list on Steam to see if he's added me. I alt tab back to see him standing behind my character with his rifle aimed at my head. (thank god for 3rd person POV). He fires one shot into the back of my head and my character drops like a sack of potatoes. For a second I fear for his safety as I think maybe I've been shot by someone else, it couldn't of been this guy whose ass I saved from certain death and who I gave a precious can of food to, but I saw it with my own two eyes.

If I was in first person view I might not of realized what happened.

Moral of the story; be careful who you trust, if at all. I saved this kid from the brink of death and gave him food and he betrayed me like it was nothing. I wasn't even mad when it happened, I was seriously just like gobsmacked and shocked! My heart actually skipped a beat at what happened, something that never happened before while playing a game. There was absolutely no indication that he'd betray me up until the point.

I'll write about more encounters and upload videos to my www.youtube.com/maj0ra

P.S. I love this fucking mod

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Try being a bandito and saving people and then getting plugged for your delicious bandit beans...

BUt still, good story

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I read through the first few paragraphs, and thought, "I'm going make this funny, and type in '...and then he shot me in the back!'..." It's awesome that there was such a level of immersion as to let this happen. I can only imagine you would have limited ammo left, and the one answer to your entire existence was for him to shoot you for very, very little.

Thank you for your story. It was, of course, awesome. For my own personal credo, read my sig, below. It just might save your life.


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Was tempted to say still a better love..... But good story nonetheless, had similar experiences where I DON'T get shot. Good luck to your next meeting with a stranger :)

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I quoted you Killing Joke on my FB! Great quote. My friend is getting the mod soon and we're hunting for heavy weapons and cars. Not quite sure what our goal will be but it'll be intense stuff.

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Had a similar story I was being chased by some zombies then some guy came and shot them with a magnum

they began chasing him so I thought get out of there I stopped turned around and began to shoot the zombies chasing him we then started chatting he dropped me some beans and I dropped him a soda we then gave each other info so we could play any time any where

but in the end I shot him in the back of the head with my rifle . . . it was a shame those rounds were precious and seemed that I wasted it splitting his head in two.

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I quoted you Killing Joke on my FB! Great quote. My friend is getting the mod soon and we're hunting for heavy weapons and cars. Not quite sure what our goal will be but it'll be intense stuff.

Thanks! Enjoy the game. I've FINALLY been able to put in an hour or two (sadly, or rather SCARILY, at NIGHT) and it's AMAZING!


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I quoted you Killing Joke on my FB! Great quote. My friend is getting the mod soon and we're hunting for heavy weapons and cars. Not quite sure what our goal will be but it'll be intense stuff.

Thanks! Enjoy the game. I've FINALLY been able to put in an hour or two (sadly' date=' or rather SCARILY, at NIGHT) and it's AMAZING!



The new zombie sounds are fucking insanely great!

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Just reading the story and wow still crazy stuff. Haven't played in a couple months and yeah looking to get back into this awesome mod. Have we gone beta yet?

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